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Clarkson Evans. Help?!

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Raj B

Hi all,

Has anybody heard of clarkson evans or is anybody on this forum working for this company as an apprentice. I am a maintenance apprentice working in a hospital going into my third year in September and frankly i am tired of changing light bulbs and want to do electrical installation. I've applied for a position with the above company and was wondering whether if this company or any company would take on a third year apprentice?


All i do on site at the moment is replacing ballasts and invertors and changing lamps. Not really getting a wide range of experience. Nothing on the install side or even testing and inspection. My advice to future apprentices is do not apply for a maintenance electrical apprenticeship especially in hospitals or offices.
A former tutor of mine started out doing exactly what your doing, he said to get working with the sparks he'd run around like a blue arsed fly changing lamps and ballasts until they were all done and he had no choice but to work with the install guys. So maybe you should try speed up :drool5:

seriously though, all experience is good for you. Keep at it
All i do on site at the moment is replacing ballasts and invertors and changing lamps. Not really getting a wide range of experience. Nothing on the install side or even testing and inspection. My advice to future apprentices is do not apply for a maintenance electrical apprenticeship especially in hospitals or offices.

if you can get a company to continue your apprenticeship i would move on now if youre not happy as its unlikely to get anymore exciting or challenging to be honest.
most hospital maintenance sparks dont do much new installation work as that gets subbed out to outside contractors.
i've done work at my local hospital and its a bit of a running joke how easy and slack it is for the maintenance guys - they dont do much lol.
sounds like you be happier doing commercial fitting on the construction side - like me ;-)
To be honest i'm a little surprised, that all your doing is changing lamps and ballasts as an apprentice in a hospital maintenance setting. Hospital electrical installation encompass a very wide range of systems and equipment, ranging from MV supply to nurse call systems and everything in between, such as HVAC, motor controls, pumps, essential/ nonessential switchboards, stand-by generation, UPS, BMS, IT earthing, and the list just goes on and on....

In the true sense of things, you should be receiving a through all round training. If your not, then it's time to talk to the Hospital Engineer, and ask why?? It seems your being used as the lackey by the hospital electricians to do all the crap work, that also comes with the territory in maintenance work...
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As Biff says, virtually all works in the public sector now get subbed out so there is very little scope for apprentices to learn anything in them enviroments.

I until the end of 2011 worked in the public sector, we had on site one person who was HV trained, but he was told that of he didn't feel confident doing it if it was ever required he was entitled to say no I dont want to do it. He was actually paid a premium on his wages for that
In a hospital envirinment that has to be a false economy!! I can understand (and only to a point) new installs being subbed out, but not maintenance and repair work. Your just asking for trouble.

So what about all the PPM work and other testing and inspection tasks, to all these various hospital installations and systems, which i know all too well, are vast, and which can be quite detailed tasks to carry out!! As i say, i'm surprised that this 3rd year apprentice is only being put on relamping crap work.
E54, I spent 9 months with the NHS a couple of years back as the Maintenance Manager for a large NHS Trust, the reason apprentices do not do anything more than described is due to stupid Union rules and the health and Safety mentality of the morons who run these places.

Let me give you an example of how things were where I was.

  • 84 Staff, technicians, engineers, electrical, mechanical, doors, fabric, secretaries, help desk bla bla bla
  • 17 staff older than 70 years
  • 23 staff off "sick" - long term (Full pay inc' O/T allowance based on previous 12 month average - which was a lie!)
  • Call out payments for staff who never did call out
  • 4 Apprentices who were not allowed to work on anything "operationally critical", thus they got stuck with lamp changes in corridors only
  • 4521 outstanding Electrical maintenance reactive tasks
  • 788 outstanding mechanical maintenance reactive tasks
  • 1021 outstanding fabric tasks
  • PPM records that were a bloody lie as some of the kit supposedly maintained had been out of action or removed for decades in some cases and the rest clearly had not been maintained

And this was the tip of the iceberg. I began to sort this out, forced out the +70 year old staff because we were paying in excess of £30K a year for each one, due to longevity of service, and yet they did no work at all, they all sat in the Maintenance Canteen all day watching video's, reading etc, and in 3 cases they turned up, signed in, went home and then someone would sign them out. The reason being, the Union had negotiated a deal that those above the age of 68 yrs were not allowed to work in the Trust's buildings!!

The NHS is the most corrupt and wasteful resource in the public arena, personally I would privatise the whole damn thing and save the nation tens of billions and get back genuine accountability (retain the idea of healthcare free at point of use though).

I resigned after 9 months when all attempts to modernise the department started to clash with the Projects team, 5 people sat in an office and they organised and ran all construction related projects from £1000 to £10 million, and all bare one were former Nurses with no engineering background at all, the one who was not a nurse was a former Painter and decorator. These clowns were costing the trust millions every year and no-one cared.

My Director, who started 3 months prior to me, quit the following day (after I quit) because he too had enough of the inept attitude, complacent nature and sheer stupidity of the NHS system...he has gone back to running the maintenance nationally for a commercial bank...on about 5 times the salary too!!
Clarkson evans are a big well known company near me. A kid I knew had gotten fully qualified by doing a two year full time course at college, and then maybe 6 months actual work after. Clarkson evans hired him.
So u will have a chance if they need more electricians. I know a few people who have worked for them. They are a very good company to work for and are good at training. I did a couple of my exams at their site.
Good luck I hope you get it!
From what I have heard they are hard workers and turn jobs out seriously fast. Assuming u get the job/an interview be honest about what you can/have done. It seems they would prefer someone who is dedicated, hard working and willing to learn. They can then train you. Clarkson Evans in my opinion is one of the best places to do exams, the staff are really friendly and want you to succeed.
E54, I spent 9 months with the NHS a couple of years back as the Maintenance Manager for a large NHS Trust, the reason apprentices do not do anything more than described is due to stupid Union rules and the health and Safety mentality of the morons who run these places.

Let me give you an example of how things were where I was.

  • 84 Staff, technicians, engineers, electrical, mechanical, doors, fabric, secretaries, help desk bla bla bla
  • 17 staff older than 70 years
  • 23 staff off "sick" - long term (Full pay inc' O/T allowance based on previous 12 month average - which was a lie!)
  • Call out payments for staff who never did call out
  • 4 Apprentices who were not allowed to work on anything "operationally critical", thus they got stuck with lamp changes in corridors only
  • 4521 outstanding Electrical maintenance reactive tasks
  • 788 outstanding mechanical maintenance reactive tasks
  • 1021 outstanding fabric tasks
  • PPM records that were a bloody lie as some of the kit supposedly maintained had been out of action or removed for decades in some cases and the rest clearly had not been maintained

And this was the tip of the iceberg. I began to sort this out, forced out the +70 year old staff because we were paying in excess of £30K a year for each one, due to longevity of service, and yet they did no work at all, they all sat in the Maintenance Canteen all day watching video's, reading etc, and in 3 cases they turned up, signed in, went home and then someone would sign them out. The reason being, the Union had negotiated a deal that those above the age of 68 yrs were not allowed to work in the Trust's buildings!!

The NHS is the most corrupt and wasteful resource in the public arena, personally I would privatise the whole damn thing and save the nation tens of billions and get back genuine accountability (retain the idea of healthcare free at point of use though).

I resigned after 9 months when all attempts to modernise the department started to clash with the Projects team, 5 people sat in an office and they organised and ran all construction related projects from £1000 to £10 million, and all bare one were former Nurses with no engineering background at all, the one who was not a nurse was a former Painter and decorator. These clowns were costing the trust millions every year and no-one cared.

My Director, who started 3 months prior to me, quit the following day (after I quit) because he too had enough of the inept attitude, complacent nature and sheer stupidity of the NHS system...he has gone back to running the maintenance nationally for a commercial bank...on about 5 times the salary too!!

I don't think i want to know anymore about the state of the NHS hospitals in the UK, depressing doesn't come close!! If the above is typical of all NHS hospitals, i just can't see how they keep all the services running on a day to day basis, let alone on any form of scheduled basis...
I don't think i want to know anymore about the state of the NHS hospitals in the UK, depressing doesn't come close!! If the above is typical of all NHS hospitals, i just can't see how they keep all the services running on a day to day basis, let alone on any form of scheduled basis...

That's why it is such a money pit and medical costs get squeezed..the wastage is criminal but MP's are simply not interested, it's such a divisive subject that simply causes the Unions to get apoplectic at the slightest hit of political interference...and the MP run screaming to the hills fearing their jobs.. all very sad indeed.
im not the least bit surprised by outspokens rather shocking revelations within the NHS.
the whole concept of national health is no longer fit for purpose for a population that has doubled since its inception after WW2 , sad but utterly truthful.

as for the hospital maintenance sparks , i had 1 tell me his work schedule for the week - i could have cleared the lot in a day & a half lol.
this is why the important stuff gets subbed out - if maternity ward needed a new DB fast , we could get it done in 48hrs , NHS staff would have only just ordered the gear after 4 weeks.
Unfortunately, we've had to make use of the NHS for the last 17 years, and they are absolutely brilliant in what they do!
The facilities here in Manc are tremendous, massive respect to all the Nurses & Doctors, must be large amounts of £Ms to put in place.
Outs tale is probably small change in the grand scheme of things, then you've got how much is squandered in their management structure??? I don't really know

Long live the NHS!
or do you want to follow the Yanks? :-(
Unfortunately, we've had to make use of the NHS for the last 17 years, and they are absolutely brilliant in what they do!
The facilities here in Manc are tremendous, massive respect to all the Nurses & Doctors, must be large amounts of £Ms to put in place.
Outs tale is probably small change in the grand scheme of things, then you've got how much is squandered in their management structure??? I don't really know

Long live the NHS!
or do you want to follow the Yanks?


No i wouldn't wish that on anyone!! Only the Yanks could ever be fooled into the total money spinning system they enjoy, ...or rather, that most ''Don't'' enjoy!!
have either archy or Eng had medical treatment in the U.S. ?

i have , emergency tooth extraction in california - the speed / care / service was outstanding
beyond anything you'll see in the nhs im afraid.
Is there nothing you haven't done

and the point of your tedious post is ? .........
at least i made comment from experience of the subject at hand.

why are you bothering to follow me around making digs at every little post i make KAS1 ?
you add absolutely nothing to this forum other than being a monumental nob.
youre a sad sad man lol.
its just too easy ripping the crap out of your posts but you never learn , sigh.
Bit of a knowitall aren't we BIFFO
and the point of your tedious post is ? .........
at least i made comment from experience of the subject at hand.

why are you bothering to follow me around making digs at every little post i make KAS1 ?
you add absolutely nothing to this forum other than being a monumental nob.
youre a sad sad man lol.
its just too easy ripping the crap out of your posts but you never learn , sigh.
Originally Posted by biff55
have either archy or Eng had medical treatment in the U.S. ?

i have , emergency tooth extraction in california - the speed / care / service was outstanding
beyond anything you'll see in the nhs im afraid.
And the insurance cover paid for it too!! Thing is, no insurance no medical treatment!! I don't think many know, including within the US, just how many ordinary people, don't have any form of medical insurance, least of all dental!!

Funny you mention speed, because i can't count the amount of Yanks i know, complain about the extra cost associated with receiving a speedy service!! Now wait for the crunch line, .....The Yanks over here, rate the service and treatments available, as ''Better'' yes Better, than they would expect to receive at home!!!
And the insurance cover paid for it too!! Thing is, no insurance no medical treatment!! I don't think many know, including within the US, just how many ordinary people, don't have any form of medical insurance, least of all dental!!

Funny you mention speed, because i can't count the amount of Yanks i know, complain about the extra cost associated with receiving a speedy service!! Now wait for the crunch line, .....The Yanks over here, rate the service and treatments available, as ''Better'' yes Better, than they would expect to receive at home!!!

of course 1 st class care costs big money the world over , paid mainly by insurance policies , but i'd definately consider going private in the UK if i could afford it.
the yanks may seem impressed with the nhs because its free and incredibly convienient , but i'd still rather be in a US hospital with something life threatening though.
of course 1 st class care costs big money the world over , paid mainly by insurance policies , but i'd definately consider going private in the UK if i could afford it.
the yanks may seem impressed with the nhs because its free and incredibly convienient , but i'd still rather be in a US hospital with something life threatening though.
but once the money/cover ran would be left to croak ....
thats the way it is in america.....
and theres a lot as well that have vested interest in american healthcare....
this is what barrak obama is up against in congress.....trying to get bill`s through that are fiercely opposed by those that have their own agenda in who gets healthcare....and who doesn`t....
and all this from a supposed civilised society (that america and americans claim to be)...
how america can claim to be the light is beyond really is...
and i`m no socialist either...
of course 1 st class care costs big money the world over , paid mainly by insurance policies , but i'd definately consider going private in the UK if i could afford it.
the yanks may seem impressed with the nhs because its free and incredibly convienient , but i'd still rather be in a US hospital with something life threatening though.

Biff if you get the chance watch that film KAS1 mentioned. You may just change your mind, on just how good the medical care is in the States. Having medical insurance cover in the States isn't unfortunately any guarantee for receiving the treatment you need!! The insurance companies can drop you like a stone, ...legally!! lol!!
have either archy or Eng had medical treatment in the U.S. ?

i have , emergency tooth extraction in california - the speed / care / service was outstanding
beyond anything you'll see in the nhs im afraid.

oooooo i have to contest that Mr Biff!

My missus works in the NHS and some of the people she works with, the daily things they achieve, beggars belief.

yes its a great lumbering dinosaur but alot of the time its brilliant. They delivered both my kids no problem, it was like checkng into a hotel.

don't know what the US deal is but its the UK thats the envy of the world.


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