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What percentage of Sparks voted Brexit?

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I voted out and would do again in a heartbeat.

We should make our own rules but they main reason is immigration. We do NOT have a housing crises we have a population crises. Unrestricted immigration is the cause of our housing crises and other associated problems like pollution and traffic problems.

Nigel forage deserves a knighthood, without him the country wouldn't have got the vote. It's just a shame our positions are not carrying out our wishes.

That won't change, we can stop everyone except EU people coming in now but don't, nothing will change, the figures will still be the same in 10 years.
Hi guys,

This may have been done before, and to be honest I can’t be bothered to check. I was just wondering whether what percentage of you voted Brexit and what percentage didn’t?

I read all this stuff about what type of person voted out and what type voted in but the people I meet on in the trades all voted out. So is it a trade based opinion?

Thoughts would be welcome.

Mark the Spark
I, my wife and my three daughters voted in. We do not want to screw up the future for our next generation. Leaving the customs union will cause no end of problems.
Unfortunately there has been a whole raft of events that have played into the leave side of things in respect of immigration. Islamaphobia due to IS and the conflicts in the Middle East. Ironic that most of the nutters involved have grown up in the UK and Europe, probably with mental health issues and fallen foul of nutty Imans preaching in the west and using Western ‘uncontrolled’ social media. FWIW I don’t think the EU can work economically and am glad we stayed outside the Euro. As mention above, if we get a post Brexit industrial boom where are the workers going to come from?
Although I believe the EU isn't perfect and has its problems, I voted to remain because by staying in, I know where I stand.
All the marlarky of 350million a week for the NHS seemed too good to be true.
As for free trade deals, the vote leave guy who knocked on my door couldn't explain what exactly I couldn't buy now that will be able to with a free trade deal.

I also believe closing the borders may have a catch to it. They may close it to the Europeans, but open it up to others like the South Americans, Africans, and Asians. If one was to complain, they can turn around and say "Sorry fella, but you voted to leave the EU and stop freedom of movement to people of Europe. You never mentioned you wanted to stop people from South America or Africa coming here."

Staying in is better I believe.
Better the devil you know

Trainee Sparky.
The best part of leaving is we can choose the skills of the people we let in. Not just anyone from Europe, we could choose people with the skills we need from outside Europe that under the current rule we can't.

The real interesting thing about the vote is that most people didn't believe anything the politicians said of either side and went with their gut instinct. Both sides told lies.

I voted out for exactly the same reasons my sister voted in. A future for our kids.
Although I believe the EU isn't perfect and has its problems, I voted to remain because by staying in, I know where I stand.
So you voted on the fact that the status quo is better than educating yourself to the politics about the referendum and making an informed vote?
All the marlarky of 350million a week for the NHS seemed too good to be true.

This was a statement not a promise, it was trying to get the message across that while our own country is struggling in many areas we still are throwing 10billion plus to shore up new members, but of course the remain camp made it a literal statement even though it was clear that it wasn't a practical statement although i confess it was a ambiguous message so I can understand the remain camp latching onto it.
As for free trade deals, the vote leave guy who knocked on my door couldn't explain what exactly I couldn't buy now that will be able to with a free trade deal.
You base your vote on one guy who cannot represent his position?

I also believe closing the borders may have a catch to it.
Typical misinformation and remain camp brainwashing, at no point has anyone said we are closing any borders, what has been said is that we want to control the borders as the majority of countries do around the world, the simple fact is the EU migration is biased against the rest of the world meaning that someone from the EU has certainty of been allowed to come over yet a well educated professor from say India would be declined amounts to discrimination and in some cases racism.

They may close it to the Europeans, but open it up to others like the South Americans, Africans, and Asians. If one was to complain, they can turn around and say "Sorry fella, but you voted to leave the EU and stop freedom of movement to people of Europe. You never mentioned you wanted to stop people from South America or Africa coming here."

You need to follow real average opinions and not far right wing rhetoric views, I would love you if you can cite your information and position on this so we can evaluate why you think this way

Staying in is better I believe.
Better the devil you know

Trainee Sparky.
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You can set a pole up within a thread so members can tick the appropriate box, think that may have suited your inquiry better. :)
I’m just wondering who has been brainwashed here?
All this guff about lefties call you racist and all the rest if you voted out.
Simple fact is, righty May voted in and lefty Corbin voted out.
Another simple fact, is that the right want immigration because it provides cheap labour.
I’m just wondering who has been brainwashed here? All this guff about lefties call you racist and all the rest if you voted out
I've been labelled 'racist', 'xenophobic', a '----' and a 'fascist' by leftists and communists more times than I care to remember. I'm sure there are plenty of other Brexiteers who will have had the very same experience.
Simple fact is, righty May voted in and lefty Corbin voted out.
Who cares about how these two voted? They are here to represent the electorate, not the other way round. Simple fact is that the electorate voted out so let's just get on with getting the UK out of the EU and be done.
Another simple fact, is that the right want immigration because it provides cheap labour.
Really? I'm certainly not aware of any right-leaning people who want immigration. Conversely, I know plenty who want mass immigration to be brought to an abrupt end.

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I've been labelled 'racist', 'xenophobic', a '----' and a 'fascist' by leftists and communists more times than I care to remember. I'm sure there are plenty of other Brexiteers who will have had the very same experience.

Who cares about how these two voted? They are here to represent the electorate, not the other way round. Simple fact is that the electorate voted out so let's just get on with getting the UK out of the EU and be done.

Really? I'm certainly not aware of any right-leaning people who want immigration. Conversely, I know plenty who want mass immigration to be brought to an abrupt end.

You’re talking about the far right, the racists and bigots.
The right as a whole, love immigration.
They can use the migrants as cheap labour and it keeps the indigenous population fearful of losing their jobs, so they work for less as well.
Anyone who voted for Brexit hoping for an end of immigration, is going to be very disappointed.
In the context of this thread, I haven't claimed anyone was on the left or the right of the political spectrum. In the context of the comment that originated my childish whiny leftist sheep insult, it is those on the far left of the political spectrum I was referring to for their propensity to claim hate speech and attach labels to people such as racist, sexist, ---- etc. to silence discourse and potentially ruin lives.

Whether someone voted in or out is no indication as to their position on the political spectrum, however, remainers have called leavers all sorts of things including selfish, uneducated, racist, xenophobic, and nationalist. The later of course implying those of us who voted out are on the far right.

I have no axe to grind with anyone that voted remain except those that now seek to subvert the decision. This includes the prime minister, the EU (they have a history of subverting the decisions of member states) and the likes of Gina Miller and The Peoples Vote.

As for the brainwashing... remainers have implied that we (the leavers) fell for the lies of the leave campaigns, at the very least, implying we are somewhat gullible. Well, I hate to break it to you but I (and indeed all the other leavers I've spoken with) didn't need any convincing from any of the campaigns. I knew how I was going to vote as soon as the referendum was announced. I've been wanting us to get out for years but never thought we'd (a) get a vote and (b) win.

With regards to the left wanting to end immigration and the right loving it, I think you've got that backwards. The 2017 election manifestos for example indicate the Conservatives wanting to limit it whilst Labour was clearly pro migrant. The left believe diversity is a good thing, mass migration forms part of this.

I've not met anyone who voted leave who believes immigration will end. In fact, nearly everyone I've talked to about it wants controlled immigration of skilled labour that can benefit the UK.
I voted out of being in the eu as it cost me my job and large vehicle licence. could of got licence back but would have had to start at bottom wrung again I thought I'm not doing that as I would have been doing same job for nearly £5ph less. What I can't understand is the remainers in government were saying that they could not do the job that they were voted in to do which is run this country. If they can't do that then I think they should find a new career. Germany and France always wanted to control the UK and uk leaving eu stops them doing that they don't like it. it's not about just losing uk funding it's also about losing the fee' s from uk world wide trading. I just hope uk government are not going to give in to Brussels as Labour would, I do hope those clowns never win a general election.
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if we'd have been told the truth back in '72, we'd never have voted to join the common market. a lot of us knew where it would lead, but the lies enticed the majority ( most of whom weren't born till way after WW2) to vote for in. it is reputed that Hitler's last words before he commited suicide were " there's more than 1 way to skin a cat".
This left and right thing is bollox to be honest, people from both sides of the voting system voted both ways, I would suggest and this is the truth we were not told the facts back then when the referendum took place, the Tories lied, but seeing the way the Europeans are now treating us the leave vote would be much more than before, I am now an outy, the french and germans have disrespected us and we should go out hard, fcuk em.
stratoff by filling in that bloody tunnel I know a couple of Paddys be happy to do it. Mick and Murphy. they are miffed at losing the contract to build it anyway. they tendered for 2 million quid. way below the competition. when asked how they could do it so cheap, Mick told them he'd start in Dover with his pick and shovel, and Murphy would start in Calais.when asked what would happen if they failed to meet in the middle, paddy said, then you get 2 tunnels for the price of 1.
The Reality did not need explaining to the majority of the population, it was a very simply question "leave or stay" we voted leave :)
Leave the EU end of.

If thats too complicated I am sure there are some knowledgable people here who could explain it to you in small words so you and your fellow remoaners can understand what the vast majority of people understood two years ago.
As for the rest of your post I am struggling to find anything worthy of a response.

I may have a very different view to many members of the forum on this subject,however,I respect many of those members for the contribution and their knowledge of the electrical industry that they posted over many years

I also like to think that my own experience and knowledge reciprocates

I do not need "small word explanations" to understand anything
Your post was a personal insult to my intelligence that I don't take kindly
Members who I have known on here for many years do not stoop to personal insult

You as a relatively new member with not so many years in this trade could take note
I happen to think the reality of the situation should have been explained to the population.
Instead we got scare tactics, misinformation and down right lies.
No one really knew the whole of the situation Spin, still dont, and 'project fear' is fast turning into project I told you so.
No one really knew the whole of the situation Spin, still dont, and 'project fear' is fast turning into project I told you so.
No one explained immigration would continue.
No one explained we would no longer know whether an immigrant from the EU has a criminal record.
No one explained that we would no longer be privy to EU intelligence regarding terrorists.

Then of course there were things we were told about, things that everyone with a little common sense should know, but were denied by the leave campaign.
Things like international businesses relocating their European offices and manufacturing from Britain to Europe.
-No one said immigration was going to stop though Spin, you either listened to the campaign which explicitly said controlling immigration not stopping it, unless you listen to far right idiots.
-Criminals from the EU - I think you got that the wrong way around, we have let in thousands of EU migrants that have some very disturbing criminal records because there is currently no requirement in freedom of movement to pass this info' on, when we regain control we can ensure those who are welcomed in are subject to a criminal background check.
-EU intelligence regarding terrorists, another one you are getting confused on, the UK's GCHQ has one of the biggest and most indepth databases in Europe on terrorists, it is a generation ahead of the EU's the ECIRS system and was vital to halting 4 terrorists attacks within Europe, in fact the EU system was considered completely inadequate when they investigated several terrorist attacks on their own soil, we are European leaders in terrorist info and security matters and give far more than we receive, I believe you are sounding Pro EU media here who jumped on a comment from Mr Wainwright Europol director who said if Britain left the EU it COULD effect access to the database yet he was not saying it would, he is a known Europhile and part of the EU system so it was merely more scaremongering as Interpol is a international organisation outside of the EU's reach and control and will not be effected by our exit.
-Relocating European offices, well this is a no brainer to be fair, and you shouldn't need telling, if Britain leaves then it is no longer the gateway to the EU so UK based European offices will need to relocate to Europe as they serve no purpose anymore, just like UK's EU MP's will no longer have a job, there are definate casualties of leaving and I find it hard to understand why one needs to be told that a business or position that exists solely because we are part of the EU may have to move or be lost.
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Let’s be clear this has absolutely NOTHING to do with “left” or “right”

People voted Brexit for the same reason people voted for Trump.

We all know something is wrong, we know something isn’t right, but we can’t quite put our finger on it.

There has never been as much wealth (be it fiat currency) in the world then there is now. Throughout history there has never been such an abundance.
Yet why is there no ambulances? Why do or children have inadequate education? Why do nurses and those that work in care , get paid such crap wages, even though their jobs are among the most important in our society?
Why do chief executives and CEOs get paid so much?

The answer to these questions and others like them have nothing to do with Brexit.

We have been told that it’s the Foreigners fault, “they come here stealing our jobs”

We have been told that its the fault of the poor “they sit on their arses all day and you pay for it”

Some might tell is that it’s the Muslims fault, or maybe the Mexicans.

The simple fact is all these problems come from the fact we are being robbed and hoodwinked by those with power and influence.
They have shaped the game in their favour.

They have used their wealth and assets to accrue even more.
They have used their power to influence our so called democratic systems in their favour and shape shape it in their needs and wonts.

And their master stroke which you can’t help but admire them for, is to convince us all that, it’s someone else’s fault.
They must be rolling about laughing, as we all fight amongst ourselves.

It’s simple, in times like this, when we are in peak inequality, humans default to base emotions like anger , hatred and fear.
populist leaders throughout history have capitalised on this, and have taken advantage of us in our weekest moments.

That’s why people voted Brexit.

That’s why morons voted for trump.

That why people dance to the tune, of that --- Farage

And it even explains why the weakest among us, those must easily moved to simple base emotions,Follow and look up too, that utter scum bag Tommy Robinson.

If we don’t stop fighting amongst ourselves, and unite and fight against the real enemy the top 10% then we won’t have a world to pass too our grandchildren.

We are being robbed, We need to tax WEALTH not INCOME.
We need to redistribute the wealth not only in our society but In the world. Then and only then may we be able to carve out a future for those that come after us.

Stop fighting, unite, take the power back.
I may have a very different view to many members of the forum on this subject,however,I respect many of those members for the contribution and their knowledge of the electrical industry that they posted over many years

I also like to think that my own experience and knowledge reciprocates

I do not need "small word explanations" to understand anything
Your post was a personal insult to my intelligence that I don't take kindly
Members who I have known on here for many years do not stoop to personal insult

You as a relatively new member with not so many years in this trade could take note
I am all for different views, and I too have respect for all people not just the guys here who willing help out with advice etc.
My comment was not intended as a "personal" insult merely pointing out that we DID understand what we voted for and the constant barrage of insults towards people who voted out as racist, nazies bigots xenophobic etc etc can be a bit wearing to put it mildly, and your statement clearly supports the view that we the leavers did not understand or are to thick to understand hence the comment.
As to your "new member" statement I fail to see what relevance that has to our discussion, and comes across as condescending and arrogant, as my time here and my time in the industry has nothing to to with the discussion we are engaged in.

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