Electricians Forums

Morning Thread – Contribute to the community and tell us what you’re working on

Morning Thread

It doesn’t need to be every day, but certainly every day you are doing something unique for a change. We have regulars or contribute every morning they can. But even a lurker (a reader that is not posting/contributing yet) is welcome. And you get to see who’s part of the forum these days. Visit the […]

UK Tiling Forum opens its doors again after being closed while I was in hospital

UK Tiling Forum

That’s one of the main problems when it comes to running a UK Tiling Forum from the UK. We have to deal with the National Health Service (NHS) a terrible health scheme that is terrible for our country but that’s for another thread. I fell ill and had covid a few times from Jan 2020 […]

3.1 Million Awesome Reasons to visit Electricians Forums in April 2024

Electricians Forums provide Professional Electrical Advice to the Highest Standards Instantly Peer Reviewed by dozens of other electricians. Come join the Electricians Forums for free today and create your own discussion threads for free. Welcome to the Electricians blog. We’ve got a couple of ways that you can gobble up the content that we put […]