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Bad customer

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I've been self employed for 4 years and have just had my second ever experience of a bad customer, where I've walked.

Rewire of a 2 bed bungalow for an elderly couple who were in the process of moving in, all first fixed except kitchen sockets / cooker circuits while the clients were on holiday.

Sockets powered up for their return (lounge/hall/beds/tv room/dining room), they specifically asked me not to 2nd fix any lights / switches as all the walls and ceilings were getting skimmed by their own plasterer who wanted them leaving off- not connected (& they didn't want their new light fittings covered in plaster etc).

Two days after they got back, the old kitchen had been taken out & they had got some drawings together for the new kitchen they were getting, so we went back to first fix the kitchen sockets / 2x cooker circuits. This is where the complaints begain:

-You have left us with no lights on, this is disgusting etc etc (they denied that theyd ever specifically asked us not to second fix the lights and I had even left them my lead lights / 2D work lights to use- on top of the lamps etc they already had plugged in around the house)
-You've still got our door key and when I got home from work I was locked out and my wife had to come to the door to let me in (I had been given a key, however, they had new doors and windows fitted after that so it wouldn't have been any use to him)
-Whats this for? I don't want another pull switch in the bathroom I wanted the switch on the wall here *points to the wall a few feet above the bath. You didn't ask me if I wanted it there did you. Why can't I have it there etc etc etc (arms crossed, attitude problem, wouldn't listen to the fact I had it down on my written estimate as a like-for-like pull switch in the bathroom)

We first fixed the kitchen, and agreed to 2nd fix the lights in standard plastic fittings but not screw them back to the ceiling so that the plasterer could do his job quicker (obviously bolted light switches back though), to keep the peace. Also chased in a switch on the wall next to the bathroom door. They denied that they had ever asked us not to connect any lights or switches, and kept saying that it was disgusting that we left them without any lights. While we were packing up, late on they turned up with 5x B&Q outside lights for us to put up. I put a couple up, by which time it was almost 7PM (last friday) and I said we were calling it a day. Bloke starts complaining that we were leaving him with the job half done, no lights on down the side of the house where the bin gets taken out! We told him we couldn't work all night and left.

We were booked in today, in line with their wishes and their kitchen fitter, to 2nd fix the kitchen, connect everything up (oven, hob, under cabinet lights, few outside lights left) & finish testing etc. New consumer unit to fit & DB cupboard to tidy up (a few circuits hadn't been rewired but were getting moved to the new CU, recently fitted shower & ensuite downlights etc). The kitchen fitter was behind and wasn't ready for us to connect anything, didn't want us to fit any sockets etc. just yet. There were also 5 other people working in the house who said we COUDLNT turn the power off.

I offered to rearrange for monday, and was met with a barrage of abuse off the homeowners. They said we had started 'before anyone else' and any decent electricians would have been done by now and we shouldn't have taken the job on if it was too big for us to handle. They also said we couldn't come Monday as the floors were getting tiled, I offered to come early and get the kitchen out of the way but it was no good, as the tiler would be in there 'earlier' and needed all day.... so I offered to come on Tuesday instead but was told that it was disgusting that they had been without an oven for two weeks and now "I" expected them to wait until Tuesday (!!!!!!!!!!)-

- I asked what they thought we hadn't done, that we could have finished (there was only the kitchen left to do and we couldn't do that just yet, but that was out of our control)- no answer
- I told them to pick any day next week for us to come and complete the job (I have plenty of other work on but mostly empty properties and jobs i could easily rearrange), they just repeated that it was no good and they werent happy that I had made them live there and come back off holiday and have no lights on (first time that had been brought up for a week!)

I told the pair of them that I was there to do a job, not to take abuse and be complained at, and that I was offering to come any day next week that suited them to finish the job that I couldn't complete today because of no fault of my own.

The bloke shouted that he was paying for the f***ing privilege of talking to me how he liked, at which I packed up and left.

During my discussion with the clients, their kitchen fitter advised them that if I wasn't allowed in on Monday as the floors were getting tiled, but they weren't prepared to wait until tuesday, it was OK as we could bring a hovercraft. He was probably in for it after we left!

I've already had 50% of the money, and would have been due the rest (in theory) if we'd have completed / been able to complete the job. Unfortunately, I can only take so much abuse before I can't rely on biting my tongue any more.

I did phone them up a few hours later, thinking they would have calmed down and were maybe feeling a bit embarrassed about how they went on. I offered to go back on Tuesday, but told them that if there was any more commotion then we would leave the job unfinished. They said they couldn't take back what they'd said but they wanted the job finishing, so all well and good... but before I had the chance to put the phone down they told me that I'd held the plasterer and the kitchen fitter up so what was I going to do about it? .. They had to have the last word!
-"I havent held your kitchen fitter up, the kitchen was ready for him before he started"-OK perhaps you arent holding him up
-"I haven't held the plasterer up at all, the rest of the house was first fixed while you were away, before you'r plasterer came"- well I don't know that you haven't held him up, I'm not a builder, was the response

They then went on to say I would also have to come back in 3 weeks time too as they were getting some different light fittings (6 fancy chandelier types and 3 picture lights), and they expected me to swap them at no extra charge as they hadn't expected to need to pay for any electrical work when they bought it anyway (dilapidated 1960s bungalow, they didn't have a problem with paying for a week in turkey, all new windows and doors fitted, a new kitchen & fitted wardrobes and all the rooms skimmed).

On that, I politely declined to return at all. I don't think they intended on paying the rest of the money anyway. They've had 90% of a job for 50% of the cost, *******s. I do wonder if it was staged, to make me walk when it was nearly finished.

After phoning a few local sparks who I knew had priced the job too, to warn them of any phone calls to finish the job, turns out my estimate was the cheapest by 20%....

I've had some great customers this week though, including doing an EICR for the local chip shop owners insurance, fed us for two days and paid us for the job in cash when we first turned up, and couldn't have been more pleasant and helpful.

Still, I do think things would run a lot more smoothly in this job if the general public didn't have to be dealt with.
Sorry to hear your story.

I had it a few years ago an a holiday rental property, the customer agreed the estimate and said that the work had to be done by a said date as she had guests arriving. I completed the job 10 days before the agreed date and presented the final invoice, only to be given a cheque and an invoice deducting Euros 900 from my final balance, on her invoice it read ' payment of Euros 900 in lieu of one weeks booking which was lost due to late completion of electrical works'.

When I queried this having calmed down, she explained that she had the chance to take a booking, but could not as the property was not ready for occupation. She had forgotten to book her calender out and had to turn away a booking, so it was my fault.

I learnt my lesson the hard way. Now if a customer either changes the estimate or say whilst you are here 'can you just' I confirm it all in writing.
Having been stung myself in the past Ive had a bit of a moral crusade on this over the years!.

When I go to a job to finish off work for an "electrican who has let them down", I always asked for the electricians details and contacted them first to get their side if possible. If after listening to both sides I believe the customer has been the issue, I dont even quote for the job --- similarly if they have "lost" details of the electrician. In fairness for the jobs Ive looked at its probably been a 50/50 split of who I perceived the problem being with! The biggest issue for me on the bigger jobs has always been trying to decipher and understand the previous work, very rarely do i find charts/diagrams/drawings for any work done. As you would expect, any discruntled sparky has taken them with him!

In your case Im sure its done right to the book but any incoming spark now has to convince himself of the suitability of the whole house re-wire before he will sign for it and it becomes his work -- brave man with and EIC, more prudent man with an EICR!

Im fortunate in that I can be choosy about what work I take on but in this current climate where you have to put bread on the table others might not be so. But wouldnt it be great if we all did look after each others backs ........
If it was me, I'd calculate what they GENUINELY owed you to date, and invoice it with a full statement of account. When they almost certainly protest at paying, invest in ÂŁ2 for a Thomas Higgins letter. It may or may not get you anywhere financially, but at least you can walk away from the job knowing that you were as professional as possible, both sides of the counter.

And....lesson to learn: steer clear of self-managed builds!!!! They NEVER go smoothly.
Yup, feel for you bud. I did some works at a restaurant where the electricians had been 'cowboys' and let me them down. A quick check around and the sparks did indeed seem to be cowboys, incorrect polarity etc basic things. So i completed the works......

After a month overdue i got a phone call saying there accountant had had a heart attack on holiday, but their water pump had failed so they had no running water in the ladies toilets, sure enough i was up first thing Saturday morning replacing the contactor. Now nearing 3 months overdue on payment, apparently the father has prostate problems so they can't pay? Although the restaurant is still open so they are obviously still taking money.

The thing that really ****es me off is that i am pretty soft and a sucker for a sob story. However i have given them a multitude of options, such as just pay the materials for the time being, if money is an issue lets just talk about it and we will come to an arrangement. Infuriating! Debating on selling the invoice.
Keep all interim payments up to date. I learnt the hard way -- had take a restaurant owner to court, they awarded me the ÂŁ12,750 plus costs ordered them to pay. They appointed administrators to sort out the corrupted set up of money laundering. After 2 years of being fobbed off most of us 110 creditors lost all of our money, except the banks that held the administrators to uphold sureties from any asset`s, all of us small fry lost every thing, we couldn't even salvage the goods we supplied as the administrators had sold the property.
Ferk them . Send in the debt collectors , and I don't mean the registered one's ! It boils my pee every time I see that ex ----- and her knuckle dragging monkey on that rouge traders ! It is about time they made one about the benefit cheating low bellied scum that some of us proud and exceptionally honest tradesmen have to deal with !!!!!!!! We do not generally take on any jobs that we have not personally been recommended for , as this also means that in a way our existing customers have already vetted the new one we are being recommended to . I feel for you mate , and hope your local sparks have the integrity to tell them to do one if asked to finish it .
When I go to a job to finish off work for an "electrican who has let them down", I always asked for the electricians details and contacted them first to get their side if possible. If after listening to both sides I believe the customer has been the issue, I dont even quote for the job --- similarly if they have "lost" details of the electrician. In fairness for the jobs Ive looked at its probably been a 50/50 split of who I perceived the problem being with! The biggest issue for me on the bigger jobs has always been trying to decipher and understand the previous work, very rarely do i find charts/diagrams/drawings for any work done. As you would expect, any discruntled sparky has taken them with him!

I was going to say pretty much the same thing, you've saved me the bother haha. This last year I have had quite a lot of phone calls asking us to finish off work and like you, I always try to get the other sparks details before I even quote. In my experience I'd even go as far to say that it has been 60/40 on the side of the customer being at fault although I have seen a fair amount of shocking (forgive the pun) work on the side of the 5WWs at large. Just last week I went to look at a very large resteraunt that was 80% finished, the customer (a seemingly very wealthy Turkish fella with a penchant for Rolex watches) came out with all these horror stories about the 'electricians from hell' except when I was looking at the work it was carried out to a very high standard, I couldnt fault it! I called the firm who are what I'd consider to be a reputable local firm, I get on well with a few of the lads who work for them, I spoke to the director and told him what I'd been asked to do, what I'd been told of his company and what I'd seen on site. He told me the resteraunt owner used to be a friend of his many years ago and that he'd sunk over ÂŁ30k into the job in mats and labour and hadn't recieved a penny in return!!! I told him I'd be more than happy to help with any work needed to stop any other local sparks getting stung. Needless to say I phoned the 'customer' the next day and tore him a new ---- orrifice!! I told him in no uncertain terms that if it was me he owed ÂŁ30k to he could forget the debt collectors, he'd be in the back of a van on his way to Epping Forest! I didn't hold back on this scumbag, I could just tell that he was one of those types who had lived his whole life making money off other peoples backs and living the high life whilst they starve as a result! A mini Kim Jong Un type!

Nothing boils my blood more, and my sympathy goes to the OP monkeyhanger. If it were me mate I'd bill them for the work I had done so far, if they made a fuss then I'd waste no time in going round there, removing all the accessories and cutting all the cables back to the grommets!
Some good stories!

If I'd have known what they were like, I wouldn't have started the job. However, they were away when we did the first half of it!

No matter how much I'd like to bill them some more, or go back and seek revenge, it's not going to get me anywhere. I think I'll concentrate on some other work next week and put it down to a bad experience.

(Maybe go back just before christmas and cause a neutral earth fault & put dry spaghetti in all the locks...)
i have had some problems lateley with custommer always trying to short change me when payments due or keeping monney in areas without discussing it.
the builders i was working with weren't getting paid for weeks at a time and then only enough for materials, many arguements later they quit customer showed me a letter off the builder asking for ÂŁ1500 as if the builder was at fault! feel for these guys as after weeks on the project they couldn't even pay there rent.
i think the builder has a good case though as he documented everything.
i got paid in the end but what a hasle!
i wonder if there could be a record in every town and city of problem customers so you could go to the job armed
I've been self employed for 4 years and have just had my second ever experience of a bad customer, where I've walked.

Rewire of a 2 bed bungalow for an elderly couple who were in the process of moving in, all first fixed except kitchen sockets / cooker circuits while the clients were on holiday.

Sockets powered up for their return (lounge/hall/beds/tv room/dining room), they specifically asked me not to 2nd fix any lights / switches as all the walls and ceilings were getting skimmed by their own plasterer who wanted them leaving off- not connected (& they didn't want their new light fittings covered in plaster etc).

Two days after they got back, the old kitchen had been taken out & they had got some drawings together for the new kitchen they were getting, so we went back to first fix the kitchen sockets / 2x cooker circuits. This is where the complaints begain:

-You have left us with no lights on, this is disgusting etc etc (they denied that theyd ever specifically asked us not to second fix the lights and I had even left them my lead lights / 2D work lights to use- on top of the lamps etc they already had plugged in around the house)
-You've still got our door key and when I got home from work I was locked out and my wife had to come to the door to let me in (I had been given a key, however, they had new doors and windows fitted after that so it wouldn't have been any use to him)
-Whats this for? I don't want another pull switch in the bathroom I wanted the switch on the wall here *points to the wall a few feet above the bath. You didn't ask me if I wanted it there did you. Why can't I have it there etc etc etc (arms crossed, attitude problem, wouldn't listen to the fact I had it down on my written estimate as a like-for-like pull switch in the bathroom)

We first fixed the kitchen, and agreed to 2nd fix the lights in standard plastic fittings but not screw them back to the ceiling so that the plasterer could do his job quicker (obviously bolted light switches back though), to keep the peace. Also chased in a switch on the wall next to the bathroom door. They denied that they had ever asked us not to connect any lights or switches, and kept saying that it was disgusting that we left them without any lights. While we were packing up, late on they turned up with 5x B&Q outside lights for us to put up. I put a couple up, by which time it was almost 7PM (last friday) and I said we were calling it a day. Bloke starts complaining that we were leaving him with the job half done, no lights on down the side of the house where the bin gets taken out! We told him we couldn't work all night and left.

We were booked in today, in line with their wishes and their kitchen fitter, to 2nd fix the kitchen, connect everything up (oven, hob, under cabinet lights, few outside lights left) & finish testing etc. New consumer unit to fit & DB cupboard to tidy up (a few circuits hadn't been rewired but were getting moved to the new CU, recently fitted shower & ensuite downlights etc). The kitchen fitter was behind and wasn't ready for us to connect anything, didn't want us to fit any sockets etc. just yet. There were also 5 other people working in the house who said we COUDLNT turn the power off.

I offered to rearrange for monday, and was met with a barrage of abuse off the homeowners. They said we had started 'before anyone else' and any decent electricians would have been done by now and we shouldn't have taken the job on if it was too big for us to handle. They also said we couldn't come Monday as the floors were getting tiled, I offered to come early and get the kitchen out of the way but it was no good, as the tiler would be in there 'earlier' and needed all day.... so I offered to come on Tuesday instead but was told that it was disgusting that they had been without an oven for two weeks and now "I" expected them to wait until Tuesday (!!!!!!!!!!)-

- I asked what they thought we hadn't done, that we could have finished (there was only the kitchen left to do and we couldn't do that just yet, but that was out of our control)- no answer
- I told them to pick any day next week for us to come and complete the job (I have plenty of other work on but mostly empty properties and jobs i could easily rearrange), they just repeated that it was no good and they werent happy that I had made them live there and come back off holiday and have no lights on (first time that had been brought up for a week!)

I told the pair of them that I was there to do a job, not to take abuse and be complained at, and that I was offering to come any day next week that suited them to finish the job that I couldn't complete today because of no fault of my own.

The bloke shouted that he was paying for the f***ing privilege of talking to me how he liked, at which I packed up and left.

During my discussion with the clients, their kitchen fitter advised them that if I wasn't allowed in on Monday as the floors were getting tiled, but they weren't prepared to wait until tuesday, it was OK as we could bring a hovercraft. He was probably in for it after we left!

I've already had 50% of the money, and would have been due the rest (in theory) if we'd have completed / been able to complete the job. Unfortunately, I can only take so much abuse before I can't rely on biting my tongue any more.

I did phone them up a few hours later, thinking they would have calmed down and were maybe feeling a bit embarrassed about how they went on. I offered to go back on Tuesday, but told them that if there was any more commotion then we would leave the job unfinished. They said they couldn't take back what they'd said but they wanted the job finishing, so all well and good... but before I had the chance to put the phone down they told me that I'd held the plasterer and the kitchen fitter up so what was I going to do about it? .. They had to have the last word!
-"I havent held your kitchen fitter up, the kitchen was ready for him before he started"-OK perhaps you arent holding him up
-"I haven't held the plasterer up at all, the rest of the house was first fixed while you were away, before you'r plasterer came"- well I don't know that you haven't held him up, I'm not a builder, was the response

They then went on to say I would also have to come back in 3 weeks time too as they were getting some different light fittings (6 fancy chandelier types and 3 picture lights), and they expected me to swap them at no extra charge as they hadn't expected to need to pay for any electrical work when they bought it anyway (dilapidated 1960s bungalow, they didn't have a problem with paying for a week in turkey, all new windows and doors fitted, a new kitchen & fitted wardrobes and all the rooms skimmed).

On that, I politely declined to return at all. I don't think they intended on paying the rest of the money anyway. They've had 90% of a job for 50% of the cost, *******s. I do wonder if it was staged, to make me walk when it was nearly finished.

After phoning a few local sparks who I knew had priced the job too, to warn them of any phone calls to finish the job, turns out my estimate was the cheapest by 20%....

I've had some great customers this week though, including doing an EICR for the local chip shop owners insurance, fed us for two days and paid us for the job in cash when we first turned up, and couldn't have been more pleasant and helpful.

Still, I do think things would run a lot more smoothly in this job if the general public didn't have to be dealt with.

Why are you letting them off with 50% of the money? Things don't always work out, if I were you Id bill them for say 40% of the remainder.
Having been stung myself in the past Ive had a bit of a moral crusade on this over the years!.

When I go to a job to finish off work for an "electrican who has let them down", I always asked for the electricians details and contacted them first to get their side if possible. If after listening to both sides I believe the customer has been the issue, I dont even quote for the job --- similarly if they have "lost" details of the electrician. In fairness for the jobs Ive looked at its probably been a 50/50 split of who I perceived the problem being with! The biggest issue for me on the bigger jobs has always been trying to decipher and understand the previous work, very rarely do i find charts/diagrams/drawings for any work done. As you would expect, any discruntled sparky has taken them with him!

In your case Im sure its done right to the book but any incoming spark now has to convince himself of the suitability of the whole house re-wire before he will sign for it and it becomes his work -- brave man with and EIC, more prudent man with an EICR!

Im fortunate in that I can be choosy about what work I take on but in this current climate where you have to put bread on the table others might not be so. But wouldnt it be great if we all did look after each others backs ........

I agree with you, Ive come onto loads of jobs over the years where the previous electrician had "let them down" quite often Ive come to the conclusion that the client was just a prat.
On the initial walk around i now record the conversation with the customer regarding requirements and positions if no official plans exist i explain its for pricing and ensuring i don't get everything exactly as requested, any alterations or deviations from the initial agreement is written down and forwarded in a polite acknowledgement letter of a change in the original agreement ... its come in handy twice with awkward customers who deny they said things... last one who tried to pull a fast one was given a copy of the original conversation on a usb stick and i said i all for the customer is right but when you accuse me of been a liar then thats a personal attack, i said the changes that you want will be extra now and add additional costs to the job but had you approached me in a different way i would have shown my good customer relationship nature and done it for nothing on the scale of things....

After that i never had anymore issues and even a full apology the next day.... i said no harm done and always approachable if you have a change of plan or need to ask questions... the job went smoothly from there forward ;)... Old people can be the worst as they forget alot and will argue as if their sanity relied on it.
expandy foam in drains, keyholes, extractor fans.

you think too small lol.

in these situations i tend to operate outside the law to recover payment so we'll say no more.

but if a restaurant owner stitched me up over a job , i'd probably book a meal for 6 over the phone , turn up on saturday nite with a party of the skinhead football hooigan types , enjoy a big slap up meal which we would have no intention of paying for , then proceede to walk out with any fixtures and fittings not bolted down in full view of all the other customers.

im sure a cheque would appear much quicker than the police would.
sounds harsh and completely ilegal , but its the only language some people understand.

Dirty *******s!

I would still be billing for the work done or telling them you will be removing the stuff if the haven't paid.

During my apprenticeship, I help out an old tradesman do a full re-wire. The typical started, because we were the sparks, anything that went wrong was our fault! Long story short, all the walls were plastered and wall papered, paid everyone else but wouldn't pay us as we were too slow and holding others back. So when they were not willing to pay for the work done, tradesman reply was "cool".

Guys, I have never seen anything like it, he took the faceplates off, smashed the wall with his hammer till he got the cables and pulled them right out the walls. Least to say, the raggles were nice and straight. But it sure taught them.

Do these people forget that we to having a living to make, and that we are not all con-artists?
in these situations i tend to operate outside the law to recover payment so we'll say no more.

Totally agree with you. I've only ever been shafted, or at least smelt the whiff of being shafted twice and both times I got my money without ever having to contact a debt collection agency. The powers that be may call refusal to pay your debts a civil offence but in certain cases (like someone taking you on to carry out work for them without the intention [that is the key word here] of ever paying) I call it outright criminal, hence why I'm all to happy to respond in kind!
there hoping you will walk away - dont
list all the unfinished items and why their not finished
offer to go and complete in there time frame
all the above in writing by registered post
if you can not come to an amicable agreement take them to court
I managed to pre-empt a non payment on a job a few years ago. My boss had an idea the customer would try to get out of making the final payment on a welding machine we had built so I put a simple timer into the PLC program that would stop the machine a week after the final payment was due. Customer fails to pay then phones up to tell us machine has stopped and we need to fix it. Went on site with my boss and when he had the cheque in his hand I took the timer out of the program :D
I managed to pre-empt a non payment on a job a few years ago. My boss had an idea the customer would try to get out of making the final payment on a welding machine we had built so I put a simple timer into the PLC program that would stop the machine a week after the final payment was due. Customer fails to pay then phones up to tell us machine has stopped and we need to fix it. Went on site with my boss and when he had the cheque in his hand I took the timer out of the program :D

Genius! I wish all customers would give rise to such pre-emptive ability haha.

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