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End of Solar

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End of Solar

Solar end

A little note to all the electricians in here who, over the past few weeks , are calling for a U-turn in the government's proposed changes in the FIT.

Did you think this industry was sustainable with the 43.3p FIT? It has been clear for some time now it has not been and was going to be cut quickly. There had been rumours from the DECC for some time now that this cut was going to happen, but most solar companies where so focussed on the money they were making they were unable to see the future. It came as no surprise to me that it happened a couple of weeks after there was public outcry about the rise in energy prices, yet it seems that many on here have struggled to make the link until well after the event. Yes nobody expected it to be what it is, but then that's mid term governments for you. They will not change what they a doing so don't waste your ink and paper. Most manufacturers are encouraging you all to complain but what you may not realise is *it's them that are the big losers in all this. The FIT dictates the price of most of the goods that go into the installation. Do you think it costs ¥1000 (£100) to manufacturer a panel in China?

Many solar companies have been set up over the past 2 years to take advantage of a solar revolution, well the revolution is over now so they all need to focus on the furure of their businesses not harp on about how badly they have been treated. Many 'solar' electricians have said they have been concentrating on the solar side of their business because there is no electrical work. My electrical work has expanded almost as much in the past 12 months as the solar, except the past 4 weeks obviously. That, I believe, is due to the short sightedness of many electrical companies. Good luck renewing the old ties to your electrical customers because I believe most are lost to you after you 'neglected' them. That is quoted directly from 3 companies who have handed me work since their prior electrical contactor gave them the shove in favour of... you guessed it - solar.

My motives for writing this is simply to make most people here realise the reality of the situation. The end for a lot of companies is nigh, I know a few who have financed themselves on projected figures, that may be why some are desperate for a U-turn. Some are in for a crappy time, but then you had the good time and cashed in short term, very bad business practice if you don't have a contingency plan. I*have tried to disagree in the past with Alan Sugar, not directly as I have never had the pleasure, that engineers never make good business men. I have to say now many of you have demonstrated he does have a valid point.

I think before posting you ought to read the forum.
We are pretty much universally agreed the tariff was too high and needed to be cut, just not as savagely.
market forces dictate prices, not the feed in tariff. It is obvious to anyone that as with any product you don't pay what it costs to make.
many solar companies have been set up over the last 2 years because solar was a cottage industry before that, see above on supply and demand.
Your electrical work has picked up because of the solar industry. electricians who would have been competing for your jobs aren't. Stand by. you will also be a loser in all this.
should I need any business advice I shall be sure to ask someone that knows, which won't be you!
in summary - DUH!!!
What a spoon, really needs to read the anguish of businesses on here. I see the construction industry is racing to the bottom and electricians are part of that food chain. Opinions are like a#se holes, everyone has one, cant say I agree with yours!
guess you didnt join the PV side judging for your smug remarks ! get of your high horse! the cuts are here people will still buy next year if the system price is right ! some business will fall like in any industry alot of companies who didnt finance the business plan themselfs ! but I just glad Im not one of them ! if it turns out the way you say then I will not be going back to rewires etc ! so keep your hammer and boltster my chopping out days are over !

All of us in the solar pv industry do need to stop moaning and move on Solar pv is still a great thing !

fuel bills are still rising
people are still looking for a bargin and to invest
The rates for electrical work have been stagnent or falling during 2010, we all experienced it, which was why some of us had the foresight to invest in MCS and offer PV. If its the end then it was certainly good while it lasted, all debts paid off, paid for lots of improvements on my house, was it worth it, are you mad! We saw the writing on the wall as well, just that we decided not to spend our days earning poor rates for chopping out walls and replacing outside lights, instead we were doing more enjoyable and varied work which paid very well.

Sounds like you are the fool Bill.
Moggy, *I have kept an eye on all the posts and get the impression you all want it to be higher than 21p ergo unsustainable. Also when you do try and get the work back off the likes of me who has benefitted from lack of competition, good luck. As for business advice, you don't know my achievements so it tells me you are an idiot for rejecting my advice when you you have made a judgement on my ability based on the fact you did not like what I said within 10 minutes of my posting. My point about the cost of panels was merely to demonstrate the inflated prices of the panels due to the extremely high FIT and the manufacturers know this.

Solarelectrix, despite the tone of my post I do have some sympathy for the many small companies on here that will have it difficult, but I will ask you how was your business plan set out. Was it over 5 years or more with an exit strategy for when the solar PV installation took a dive as has been the case in many countries around the world?

MEP ELEC, I did join the solar PV installation business, but ran it with my electrical business. The electrical work I do is more than house bashing so hammer and bolsters will be used along side all the other gear we use on a daily basis. End of solar was not meant as an absolute, just something to make you all think, seems it worked. Solar will still continue over the next few years but in a very different way, it's up to all of us to force our companies into the direction.

Bumcrack, not the best one to talk about normal names...? I was not actually registered on this website until now but have generally looked in from time to time.

Julian, no I don't work for the DECC. I apologise if my comments are smug and patronising, it was more meant as a bit of an eye opener for those on here that find themselves in a bad position. Inaccurate? You tell me where?

Noshocks, I would not call installing PV day in day out varied, but it is enjoyable yes. I too like you have made good money from this, I was just merely pointing out something that has not been mentioned here yet, not that I have seen anyhow, that there needs to be a big change in people's opinions as to the future of the Solar PV industry. Thanks for the 'fool' insult by the way, now that I too have no debts, a new extension with pool and new vehicles seems most people would want to be a fool too.

Reveal myself? Na! I would just get hate mail because you passnately disagree with my opinion which I am entitled to along with my anonymity.
I think to some extent you make a good point however you have written it in such a condescending manner it's put people backs up. But I see this as your point entirely. Has some PV installer stolen your toys out of your pram?

In case you are unaware we (that's the scum roof monkeys!) had 25yrs figure to work to until the bunch of blue/yellows got behind the wheel. Figures which were achievable under the last government according to their calculations. As we can only take the word of any of the governing worms that's as good as it gets. To go from this to a era of uncertainty and still worth only five months to go under the current FITs level the writing was on the wall. But not at a surprise but as to a shock as to the total lack of knowledge the government has to the industry. They have forced a panic buy themselves. The boom or bust they didn't want.

So you will be happy with the result. The end is nigh. Welcome back to electrical contracting then for me...............but oh no wait...............I've NEVER given up contracting opting for a best of both worlds. Not loosing one single customer, Keeping on top of contracts and operating a efficient business. Introducing quality management schemes that has not only been for PV but has also focused our 40+ year old company and making as strong as it is today. PV has enabled us to finance the future of the company. Even if we double dip into recession in the coming months (as I feel it is likely) If I didn't work at all for the next 12 months I can still pay myself. could you say the same as that?

So as PV falls by the way side I expect my energy bill to fall as none of us has to fund it further. Utter tosh as you well know. The energy companies are going to charge us more and more. The Green Deal paying for us all to have more insulation is coming from the energy suppliers so wait now MORE people qualify then the cost has to be more household. The poor paying for the rich scenario we have been lectured on time and time again.

I hope I have managed to rumble the reaction you were hoping for. I hate to disappoint. Its a lonely place being perched up there on that pedestal of yours. Why not come down and voice your opinion in a manner which we can debate rather than slate. After all this is a forum not a political soap box.

I have a saying I've used in the past I would like to share:

I would love to see it form you point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my arse!
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Reveal myself? Na! I would just get hate mail because you passnately disagree with my opinion which I am entitled to along with my anonymity
I have no real commercial interest in the current PV situation, just dont like the idea of people mouthing off on a PUBLIC forum anonymosly.
I*have tried to disagree in the past with Alan Sugar, not directly as I have never had the pleasure, that engineers never make good business men. I have to say now many of you have demonstrated he does have a valid point.


I find it very odd that you should bring the name of Alan Sugar into this. What does a true entrepreneur do? Wait around twiddling his thumbs? Or does he develop his business to suit the market trends?

Congratulations on winning your electrical work. Being such a master businessman you have obviously anticipated the swell of electricians all coming your way to take the work back off you, haven't you? I think you'll find that the real motivated and driven tradesmen moved into the PV business - this may have given your company room to breathe but a lot of us are coming back and it will be a pleasure to win the work off you.
I thought this forum was here to assist other people within the trade not to critisis or even gloat when others are going through difficult times, may be you had forsight to see the P.V boom would not last but I would have hoped this site was here to assist others through this not and to run them down. If that is not your way then I suggest you take your comments elsewhere.
BiggsSolar, why do you find it odd that I mention an Alan Sugar quote when talking about the strengths of a business, maybe you too missed the point entirely. A true entrepreneur moves quickly and does not try and change what is already set in stone, something that has been discussed on here frequently.

Yes there will be a swell of electricians, I may be taking some of them on, I need to at the moment. As for any competition, I am all for a competitive market, it's what keeps me going. Just don't anticipate electricians ringing my customers saying 'remember me, I was the guy who let you down last year' and getting in front of me, can you?

It wasn't just the motivated and driven that got into the solar industry, it was also the opportunist and you don't just win back work with enthusiasm.
I can't see how this all gave me room to breathe, it seems you think that I had a crap business 2 years ago and once all the enthusiastic electricians went entrepenereural I had a good business, now that they are all back I will slip away. It does not work like that. As I have already mentioned, I too fit solar so have grown my business as many here have, so I have always been able to breathe quite nicely thank you.
Call me optimistic but I still think there's an argument to be had about the C rating which is what will kill pv in April. So I think all this doom and gloom is a little premature.

End of Solar - I don't know what your motivation is but if you've watched the forum as you say you have then you'll know that it's a source of education, information and support. If you can't be bothered to enter into the spirit of the forum, perhaps you shouldn't bother at all.

Smug condescension really ****es me off :32:
I thought this forum was here to assist other people within the trade not to critisis or even gloat when others are going through difficult times, may be you had forsight to see the P.V boom would not last but I would have hoped this site was here to assist others through this not and to run them down. If that is not your way then I suggest you take your comments elsewhere.
If people are run down by my comments then they do it themselves without reading fully, contemplating what is written and then judging. That is proven by the first reply being within 10 minutes. My comments were put on here to put into plain words what is being avoided on here, the elephant in the room as it were. If people want to get offended by my comments that is up to them, if they want to get run down by what I have to say then that is weak. If you read it carefully you will see there is advice along with the criticism, it's up to you lot to see it. I am sorry I had to put my points across so forcefully but it needed saying.
no it didn't.
but thank you so much for your advice, I so needed it. If only I knew who you were if ever I needed really great advice again in the future I could contact you!!
I am easilly traceable through my user name, thats why I use it.

Just like me then. My first name is Bill, that is all you have to know, that is more than what most people include who have been a wee bit nasty to me, but you don't see me wanting more details, only yourself who expected me to reveal my identity. In what way, name, address?
You can't really complain about people being "a wee bit nasty" when the tone and content of your post kicked it all off.
BiggsSolar, why do you find it odd that I mention an Alan Sugar quote when talking about the strengths of a business, maybe you too missed the point entirely. A true entrepreneur moves quickly and does not try and change what is already set in stone, something that has been discussed on here frequently.

If you honestly think that Alan Sugar would have simply shrugged and moved on to something else then you really don't know the man.

It wasn't just the motivated and driven that got into the solar industry, it was also the opportunist and you don't just win back work with enthusiasm.

True, a lot of opportunists got into solar as well - but this isn't the majority. The kind of people that can move their business in another direction are kind of people that can move their business back again. They will be ringing your customers and they will be winning the work.

I can't see how this all gave me room to breathe, it seems you think that I had a crap business 2 years ago

You said it. Your business grew after the other electrician's moved on to fitting solar.

The truth is, and I truly wish it wasn't the case, that price is the number one factor in winning electrical work. You may be winning that electrical contract now for £10k, but in a couple of months time you'll be priced out by the £9k sparks. If you think that loyalty from your customer is going to negate that issue then you're deluded.

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