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CheckaTrade | MyBuilder | RatedPeople | TrustaTrader etc - Who's with what and why?

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CheckaTrade | MyBuilder | RatedPeople | TrustaTrader etc - Who's with what and why?

Thought I'd start a poll off to see if we can see who's with what type of rate-my-builder website, if at all. And which ones seem to work, and if they do, why etc.

I've also put some other options there to see where people are spending their time and money on marketing right now, should they not be spending it with the big few common names.

Current options are:-
My personal opinion on this, after reading so many threads on all our forums, is that they're a middle-man where one isn't needed. People who need jobs doing on their homes could search Google before they came about, and they'd find tradespeoples own websites. And it all worked fine. The full amount of money that the tradesperson charged went to their business. And it wouldn't cost much to get a website online and running well.

Now though, there's an annual charge, or a percentage of the job, going to a company that's spending millions on advertising and has directors driving around in expensive cars, salesmen on commission selling to existing customers and new ones, trying to get more listing features or whatever.

BBC covered a couple of them here: Fear over trusted trade website profiles -

You can get yourself a website using Wordpress, and update it yourself. Optimise it quite easy. Rank in Google naturally (no paying for ads), and get business coming in from it.

Or you can work on getting your listing with one of these companies up. Some of them encourage you to email your existing customers. Which obviously means there's no assurances the feedback actually comes from genuine customers then, you just get 20 free gmail accounts and send yourself the link to leave 10 star feedback so that when people search the website, your listing looks awesome and your feedback is spot on. Not seen a single listing ever with bad feedback on any of them.

That all said, I've not got a listing with a single one of them.

So I thought I'd run a poll, and have this handy thread for others to read and contribute to ongoing.

Feel free to discuss anything at all, pricing, experience, feedback, customers, type of work coming from them, whatever.

Please be constructive should you have criticism.

If a company you're with isn't in the poll, let me know, and I'll add it.

Please feel free to vote on as many of the options as you use yourself for your marketing.

CheckaTrade | MyBuilder | RatedPeople | TrustaTrader etc - Who's with what and why?
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If I googled my own business name it would come up towards the top linked to mybuilder. Even after deleting the mybuilder account, I found the name stays on google for years until you write a letter (not an email or phone call). I dont do CEO optimisation ectect so have not tried to rank my website higher than theirs. But still that how it is, I thought there was a law against that sort of stuff but it aint sunk in with mybuilder
Did you end up needing to write to google to do a result removal? Or write to mybuilder to get them to remove the name from pages?
CheckaTrade | MyBuilder | RatedPeople | TrustaTrader etc - Who's with what and why?

Thought I'd start a poll off to see if we can see who's with what type of rate-my-builder website, if at all. And which ones seem to work, and if they do, why etc.

I've also put some other options there to see where people are spending their time and money on marketing right now, should they not be spending it with the big few common names.

Current options are:-
My personal opinion on this, after reading so many threads on all our forums, is that they're a middle-man where one isn't needed. People who need jobs doing on their homes could search Google before they came about, and they'd find tradespeoples own websites. And it all worked fine. The full amount of money that the tradesperson charged went to their business. And it wouldn't cost much to get a website online and running well.

Now though, there's an annual charge, or a percentage of the job, going to a company that's spending millions on advertising and has directors driving around in expensive cars, salesmen on commission selling to existing customers and new ones, trying to get more listing features or whatever.

You can get yourself a website using Wordpress, and update it yourself. Optimise it quite easy. Rank in Google naturally (no paying for ads), and get business coming in from it.

Or you can work on getting your listing with one of these companies up. Some of them encourage you to email your existing customers. Which obviously means there's no assurances the feedback actually comes from genuine customers then, you just get 20 free gmail accounts and send yourself the link to leave 10 star feedback so that when people search the website, your listing looks awesome and your feedback is spot on. Not seen a single listing ever with bad feedback on any of them.

That all said, I've not got a listing with a single one of them.

So I thought I'd run a poll, and have this handy thread for others to read and contribute to ongoing.

Feel free to discuss anything at all, pricing, experience, feedback, customers, type of work coming from them, whatever.

Please be constructive should you have criticism.

If a company you're with isn't in the poll, let me know, and I'll add it.

Please feel free to vote on as many of the options as you use yourself for your marketing.

CheckaTrade | MyBuilder | RatedPeople | TrustaTrader etc - Who's with what and why?
Non, don't use any, but would consider my own website and advertising.
I have dealt with many sites over the last 10 years as a consumer, HomeAdvisor, Angieslist, Houzz, Porch, Thumbtack, etc. They are all pretty much the same. Here in the states the problem is always the same. They are great if you live in a large city where there are many reviews but in the country, where I live, reviews are view and far between. Also I wish they would make it easy to find ratings for contractors instead of wanting to know what job I need done and then contacting contractors to contact me. Hope this helps.
Did you end up needing to write to google to do a result removal? Or write to mybuilder to get them to remove the name from pages?
TBH its still there, I emailed mybuilder and the response was i need to write to them asking for removal, I did write but no response and no action. I have not pursued it since but will do
TBH its still there, I emailed mybuilder and the response was i need to write to them asking for removal, I did write but no response and no action. I have not pursued it since but will do
You can fill in a form with Google and get them to remove any personal details from their listings. And then the page you say you want taken out of Google rankings will not be shown for the particular personal detail you were being shown for (i.e. your name).

That hits the website where it hurts then, it's rankings. That's the way I'd go about it.
Hi All,
Here's my view as a 'customer' (yes a DIYer)

First me:
In the past I have re-wired my home, before part P was introduced. I have an HNC in electrical engineering, so not a total novice. The work was inspected by the local electricity board and was considered first rate.

Now we own 2 rentals, which need various jobs doing by qualified tradesmen/women in order to keep all the certification all above board. So far in 10 years we have used probably 10 different electricians. Each time I searched the internet for a local businness, checked for website, looked for reviews ... Each time I then go back for the next job no reply to my emails or messages. You could say that it must be me!

To counter that we use the same heating engineer that we have always used, the same goes for the plasterer, roofing work, windows/doors.

I am about to contact the latest electrician, found via MyBuilder, for the next job, we'll see.
All the tradesmen I have used via MyBuilder have all been excellent.

I have not used any of them as luckily I've never needed them however I know people who have used them and I haven't heard a single good thing from them. They take money from you at sometimes extortionate rates in return for very little work. Not for me I'm afraid.
Not used any. Chucked a few leaflets out six months ago and have had several jobs. Builder that worked on my house is chucking work my way and I also appear to have lots of friends with dodgy wiring, sheds, garden lights etc that need sorting.
If registering with mybuilder, be aware that your registered name will be linked to them via google searches (which are usually towards the top of the listings) for years !, even if you never do any jobs through them. To get your name removed from their database is v.hard work which requires letter writing/signatures and its a pita. Moral of the story is dont bother in the first place !
The easiest way to beat MyBuilder at their own game is to have your own website and do whatever you need to do to get your website ranked above theirs in Google. It's not that difficult to achieve.
CheckaTrade | MyBuilder | RatedPeople | TrustaTrader etc - Who's with what and why?

Thought I'd start a poll off to see if we can see who's with what type of rate-my-builder website, if at all. And which ones seem to work, and if they do, why etc.

I've also put some other options there to see where people are spending their time and money on marketing right now, should they not be spending it with the big few common names.

Current options are:-
My personal opinion on this, after reading so many threads on all our forums, is that they're a middle-man where one isn't needed. People who need jobs doing on their homes could search Google before they came about, and they'd find tradespeoples own websites. And it all worked fine. The full amount of money that the tradesperson charged went to their business. And it wouldn't cost much to get a website online and running well.

Now though, there's an annual charge, or a percentage of the job, going to a company that's spending millions on advertising and has directors driving around in expensive cars, salesmen on commission selling to existing customers and new ones, trying to get more listing features or whatever.

You can get yourself a website using Wordpress, and update it yourself. Optimise it quite easy. Rank in Google naturally (no paying for ads), and get business coming in from it.

Or you can work on getting your listing with one of these companies up. Some of them encourage you to email your existing customers. Which obviously means there's no assurances the feedback actually comes from genuine customers then, you just get 20 free gmail accounts and send yourself the link to leave 10 star feedback so that when people search the website, your listing looks awesome and your feedback is spot on. Not seen a single listing ever with bad feedback on any of them.

That all said, I've not got a listing with a single one of them.

So I thought I'd run a poll, and have this handy thread for others to read and contribute to ongoing.

Feel free to discuss anything at all, pricing, experience, feedback, customers, type of work coming from them, whatever.

Please be constructive should you have criticism.

If a company you're with isn't in the poll, let me know, and I'll add it.

Please feel free to vote on as many of the options as you use yourself for your marketing.

CheckaTrade | MyBuilder | RatedPeople | TrustaTrader etc - Who's with what and why?
Apart from and my Own website, I use Trading Standards 'Buy With Confidence' scheme and also a local homewatch scheme
I'll just pop this here, it may add something.

I'm retired from the trade so wont use a middle man to drum up work but I sometimes need to search out different trades due to being a house owner, gas fitters, decent brickies and so on as the need arises. I would rather wait until word of mouth gives me a heads up on a decent trades person then use a middle man site.

I have my reasons but the main one is as stated by a few here, its another chunk out of your earnings that is simply making someone else rich from your hard work, there's enough hands in pockets already. Word of mouth or the ability to show your work as on these forums cant be beat.

I've used MyBuilder and Rated People in the past, but for a variety of reasons, I haven't used either website for quite a while and never will again. I have no need as I'm now in a position where I can pick and choose which jobs I take on, and am fully-booked until the end of March next year. Word of mouth recommendations and repeat business is the way to go!

For those starting out, my advice would be to stay away from the parasite sites and invest your money in a website instead. Even a very basic site with two or three pages will suffice at the outset. You can always develop your website further down the line. Utilise Google My Business to the maximum. Ask your customers to post feedback for you on Google+. You'll soon get noticed by new customers, I assure you. This approach has worked wonders for me and paid handsome dividends. :)
I have only paid £40 for advertising of any kind in nearly 8 years of self employment, that was for a box of 5000 leaflets of which I pushed out about a fifth.

I tried a free trial with ratedpeople ages ago and found it to be an awful experience. They did nothing to check I was qualified or insured, and i was frequently quoting against builders for electrical work. The quality of leads was poor and the frequency sporadic. When I took them to task about their lack of quality checks they couldn't care less and said it was up to the customer to carry out due diligence.

Another problem with these sites, apart from the cost to the trader which then increases cost to the customer, are the ratings systems. they often don't let you leave poor reviews and block them in favour of putting you back in touch with the trader to sort things out, even if you don't want that. This can lead to poor traders hiding behind ratings systems which can provide the opposite of what these sites offer.

I do think that has worked well for me. It's free for the basic listing and lets you build a profile with pictures of previous work and collect ratings. You feature higher up the listings based on reviews, all of which are verified.
I was introduced to BNI (Business Networking International) when I set out as a sole trader almost 12years ago and I continued to be a member for over 10years before I decided to leave.

It does provide excellent word of mouth business generation, as well as provide you with direct access to a number of business owners in the area you live or work who can help you and or your business.
Some will say it costs too much and when you factor in your weekly meeting fee it cost me around £900 to £1,100 per year when I was a basic member, although if you take a Leadership Team role, your membership fees are frozen for the time you occupy one of those roles, so I only paid my membership for 7 out of the 10 years as I did three stints of a year at a time in a Leadership Team role, saving me from £500 to £650 per year.

It brought in anywhere up to 85% of my business in any one year when looking at jobs I got from the room and subsequent/related jobs I got as a result of doing the initial job. I left over a year ago and this financial year (since the start of April) I can still trace over 35% of my invoiced work directly back to BNI introductions and repeat jobs/recommendations from jobs I did that were from BNI introductions, i.e. jobs I wouldn't have done if I wasn't in BNI.

I'm not a managerial type, delegation is not something I am any good at in any shape or form, I'm too fussy about how work is done, the only other sparks I work with is the one I did my apprenticeship under and one other who was in BNI with me who I worked for a couple of times. If I was managerial then I could have continued in BNI and taken on some staff, but like I say, I'm fussy and find it difficult to delegate, so I decided it was better for me to leave BNI rather than expand my business. If I can't keep a business going after 10years of developing new customers, then I shouldn't be in the business in the first place.

I have a very basic website, it worked ok 8years ago when it was new after I got a web design company to re-do my DIY website. But, I neglected it, put no money aside for it and subsequently all it ended up doing was generating spam emails from the contact form which had no verification to stop automated web bots from spamming me through it. The website has been secured so no more spam and will be upgraded soon, so I expect to get more genuine leads from that, but the most it generated was around 10% - 15% of my revenue in it's early years, I hope the revamped site will do equally as well, if not better once I can link it in to my Facebook page.

Yell was pretty useless and I think it only ever generated 1 or 2 enquiries over the first 5years, subsequently (for the last 7years) I only ever get calls from people purporting to be from Yell wanting to verify my details and that I'm the owner of the business and trying to sell me better visibility, which I've never done, so have only ever been listed as a simple listing as a result.

I've recently started, very basically, to use Facebook, so a little early to tell how well that will work over time. But, I've had a couple of jobs from it in the couple of months I've had a basic FB presence.

I've never felt the need to join, MyBuilder, CheckaTrade, RatedPeople, TrustaTrader, WhichTrustedTraders, MyJobQuote, or any of the other similar sites aiming to help trades get more business. I much prefer word of mouth, plus as a sole trader it would take up too much of my valuable time administering my profile on these sorts of sites.

Paying to advertise on Google, be it ADs or Pay Per Click style options, has never appealed to me, costs can spiral if you're not careful, or you can spend loads on the wrong campaign and get nothing back, or at least that's what I've all to often heard back from others who have tried it. or do still use them.

Word of mouth is far more appealing, which is why I joined BNI after I went to a local meeting. The meeting starts early and wraps up before 9am so you only have a slightly late start on the morning you go. I'd recommend visiting your local BNI group, providing there isn't already an electrician in your local group. You can visit twice before you need to decide on whether you want to join and it really is worth going twice, because if its an established group with 20 or more members, it can be a lot to take in during a single visit.
BNI more than paid for itself with the work I got from it every year (it still is some 14months after I left) even though I'm no longer a member. Don't be put off by rumours you may have heard about BNI being a cult, requiring too much from it's members, or only working for certain business types. Yes, it required commitment, but if you use it as part of your business and as a tool to develop you and your business, it can be very worthwhile. Not only can you get a lot from it, in terms of personal development, a trusted circle of businesses that can help your business, but it can also benefit your business too by generating a seriously good amount of business.
If you do go, remember, you're not joining BNI as such, what you are doing is joining the other people and businesses that are already members in your local group.

Hope the long post isn't too waffly, but hopefully it may help someone else.
You can fill in a form with Google and get them to remove any personal details from their listings. And then the page you say you want taken out of Google rankings will not be shown for the particular personal detail you were being shown for (i.e. your name).

That hits the website where it hurts then, it's rankings. That's the way I'd go about it.

Cheers mate, I will try that
I was introduced to BNI (Business Networking International) when I set out as a sole trader almost 12years ago and I continued to be a member for over 10years before I decided to leave.

It does provide excellent word of mouth business generation, as well as provide you with direct access to a number of business owners in the area you live or work who can help you and or your business.
Some will say it costs too much and when you factor in your weekly meeting fee it cost me around £900 to £1,100 per year when I was a basic member, although if you take a Leadership Team role, your membership fees are frozen for the time you occupy one of those roles, so I only paid my membership for 7 out of the 10 years as I did three stints of a year at a time in a Leadership Team role, saving me from £500 to £650 per year.

It brought in anywhere up to 85% of my business in any one year when looking at jobs I got from the room and subsequent/related jobs I got as a result of doing the initial job. I left over a year ago and this financial year (since the start of April) I can still trace over 35% of my invoiced work directly back to BNI introductions and repeat jobs/recommendations from jobs I did that were from BNI introductions, i.e. jobs I wouldn't have done if I wasn't in BNI.

I'm not a managerial type, delegation is not something I am any good at in any shape or form, I'm too fussy about how work is done, the only other sparks I work with is the one I did my apprenticeship under and one other who was in BNI with me who I worked for a couple of times. If I was managerial then I could have continued in BNI and taken on some staff, but like I say, I'm fussy and find it difficult to delegate, so I decided it was better for me to leave BNI rather than expand my business. If I can't keep a business going after 10years of developing new customers, then I shouldn't be in the business in the first place.

I have a very basic website, it worked ok 8years ago when it was new after I got a web design company to re-do my DIY website. But, I neglected it, put no money aside for it and subsequently all it ended up doing was generating spam emails from the contact form which had no verification to stop automated web bots from spamming me through it. The website has been secured so no more spam and will be upgraded soon, so I expect to get more genuine leads from that, but the most it generated was around 10% - 15% of my revenue in it's early years, I hope the revamped site will do equally as well, if not better once I can link it in to my Facebook page.

Yell was pretty useless and I think it only ever generated 1 or 2 enquiries over the first 5years, subsequently (for the last 7years) I only ever get calls from people purporting to be from Yell wanting to verify my details and that I'm the owner of the business and trying to sell me better visibility, which I've never done, so have only ever been listed as a simple listing as a result.

I've recently started, very basically, to use Facebook, so a little early to tell how well that will work over time. But, I've had a couple of jobs from it in the couple of months I've had a basic FB presence.

I've never felt the need to join, MyBuilder, CheckaTrade, RatedPeople, TrustaTrader, WhichTrustedTraders, MyJobQuote, or any of the other similar sites aiming to help trades get more business. I much prefer word of mouth, plus as a sole trader it would take up too much of my valuable time administering my profile on these sorts of sites.

Paying to advertise on Google, be it ADs or Pay Per Click style options, has never appealed to me, costs can spiral if you're not careful, or you can spend loads on the wrong campaign and get nothing back, or at least that's what I've all to often heard back from others who have tried it. or do still use them.

Word of mouth is far more appealing, which is why I joined BNI after I went to a local meeting. The meeting starts early and wraps up before 9am so you only have a slightly late start on the morning you go. I'd recommend visiting your local BNI group, providing there isn't already an electrician in your local group. You can visit twice before you need to decide on whether you want to join and it really is worth going twice, because if its an established group with 20 or more members, it can be a lot to take in during a single visit.
BNI more than paid for itself with the work I got from it every year (it still is some 14months after I left) even though I'm no longer a member. Don't be put off by rumours you may have heard about BNI being a cult, requiring too much from it's members, or only working for certain business types. Yes, it required commitment, but if you use it as part of your business and as a tool to develop you and your business, it can be very worthwhile. Not only can you get a lot from it, in terms of personal development, a trusted circle of businesses that can help your business, but it can also benefit your business too by generating a seriously good amount of business.
If you do go, remember, you're not joining BNI as such, what you are doing is joining the other people and businesses that are already members in your local group.

Hope the long post isn't too waffly, but hopefully it may help someone else.
Brilliant post. Not too waffly at all. :)
CheckaTrade | MyBuilder | RatedPeople | TrustaTrader etc - Who's with what and why?

Thought I'd start a poll off to see if we can see who's with what type of rate-my-builder website, if at all. And which ones seem to work, and if they do, why etc.

I've also put some other options there to see where people are spending their time and money on marketing right now, should they not be spending it with the big few common names.

Current options are:-
My personal opinion on this, after reading so many threads on all our forums, is that they're a middle-man where one isn't needed. People who need jobs doing on their homes could search Google before they came about, and they'd find tradespeoples own websites. And it all worked fine. The full amount of money that the tradesperson charged went to their business. And it wouldn't cost much to get a website online and running well.

Now though, there's an annual charge, or a percentage of the job, going to a company that's spending millions on advertising and has directors driving around in expensive cars, salesmen on commission selling to existing customers and new ones, trying to get more listing features or whatever.

You can get yourself a website using Wordpress, and update it yourself. Optimise it quite easy. Rank in Google naturally (no paying for ads), and get business coming in from it.

Or you can work on getting your listing with one of these companies up. Some of them encourage you to email your existing customers. Which obviously means there's no assurances the feedback actually comes from genuine customers then, you just get 20 free gmail accounts and send yourself the link to leave 10 star feedback so that when people search the website, your listing looks awesome and your feedback is spot on. Not seen a single listing ever with bad feedback on any of them.

That all said, I've not got a listing with a single one of them.

So I thought I'd run a poll, and have this handy thread for others to read and contribute to ongoing.

Feel free to discuss anything at all, pricing, experience, feedback, customers, type of work coming from them, whatever.

Please be constructive should you have criticism.

If a company you're with isn't in the poll, let me know, and I'll add it.

Please feel free to vote on as many of the options as you use yourself for your marketing.

CheckaTrade | MyBuilder | RatedPeople | TrustaTrader etc - Who's with what and why?

None they are all crap
Bark is the only one that looks ok but you cant trust any reviews online these days or any tradesmen - the ones i have got in for quotes before i do the work myself is legion and every one is awful except for 2 out of 23 that is some bad percentage.

Its sad to say but its very hard to find any tradesman who does a 101% job these days
A site with genuine good tradesguys would be great

This sit from what i have gleaned has a superb number of really knowledgeable and helpful guys
Perhaps you should set one up yourself!
I personally have never employed a tradesman ever as my dad taught me plumbing buliding car mechanics etc etc etc but i know my neighbours would pay to have access to good tradesmen as virtually 100% of them have had bad experiences

They recently had a hamilton accie in who claimed he was plumbing and electirican and fitted a simple led pir outside light to existing wiring and charged £260 for less than an hours work - the light then failed after less than 2 weeks and yip he has not come back so they had to spend more money on another guy who came and fitted another light - no idea how long it will last either as it looks cheap chinese pish as well!
Never needed to use any of the listed routes to market. I am on NextDoor, but only for general village things.
Always just relied on a cheap advert in the Village magazine and word of mouth. I don't want to line someone else's pocket in a race to the lowest price.
Never used any of them to be honest so I cant vote.
All my work comes from word of mouth and contacts I've built up over the last 20 years, I only do Industrial and commercial and I think all the above are geared towards domestic trades.
My builder.....complete con you can’t even verify the jobs you are bidding for exist and even if you manage to win the bidding there’s no assurances the customer will even talk to you, some very bad tradesmen on there as well

Trust a trader.....couldn’t organise ---- up in a brewery....they approached me with an offer of free membership, so I thought why not, first job comes through contact with customer made etc and then they block me from talking to the customer because they havnt run any checks, why let me speak and arrange things with a customer and then stop me? Waited two weeks and nothing from them.......never agian

Check a trade....I can’t lie I’ve had nothing but good experience with them, I have recently gone back on there after leaving for no other reason than I had work booked up for 6 months in advance so didn’t see the point in paying £140 when I couldn’t take anymore work, even now after a months free trial I can’t keep up with it, doing multiple trades helps a lot as I can turn up for one small job and end up quoting for a lot more..

Nextdoor neighbour app is another one I pick up bits and pieces off of but being local I end doing the little jobs off there for free or a cup of tea for an oldun when I can squeeze it in...

Use a free webpage on face book which seems to work really well and I’m told I have instagram and twitter accounts that my daughters are running for me....

I would like a more professional web site but not sure I need it as I have no intention of being to big and drowning in’s to short ?
I am about to contact the latest electrician, found via MyBuilder, for the next job, we'll see.
All the tradesmen I have used via MyBuilder have all been excellent.


Thats the problem with all this. Word of mouth is great, if someone is talking to you; perhaps the next best thing is to go blind into one of these web sites, with the advantages & pitfalls previously mentioned. What did we do for these instances, before the world wide web!
There's not much for me to add that hasn't been said already. Word-of-mouth and getting into bed with other local trades such as plumbers and builders are best for business, but neither is quick and easy if you're just starting out. These days, anyone should have a website, even if it's a basic affair knocked up using a tool such as Wix or that you pay a third-party like Yell to create and host. If you're a one-man-band, include a picture of yourself and your van, and show your contact details including the registered office address so potential clients can see you're legitimate and that you look like you're doing the business.

The likes of Twitter, Facebook, Nextdoor, and Instagram are also good ways to show off your work, connect with your peers and to promote yourself to potential local customers. We're not all comfortable with such platforms of course, and if you're posting a picture of your work then you'd better check it's right or risk being torn apart! Social media can be stressful and turn toxic, so only use it if it works for you.

As for these middleman operations, I'm on record as being against them, but I appreciate they work for others. Most are expensive and they may jack up the price once your profile has too many reviews for you to lose, but they offer a quick way to build up a reputation, at least for the users of their individual sites. If you get on with them and the revenue they generate outweighs the overhead of membership, then it makes business sense. Personally, I don't want to make a bunch of slick kids sitting in plush offices even richer from the sweat off my own back.

One issue I had as a member of Local Heroes a few years ago was that without a direct interface with the client, it could be hard to suss out quite what the job was. It's all very well a job being posted saying 'new socket required', but I need more information to give any idea of a cost, and going through a third-party rather than being able to speak with a client directly was a pain. These days, I'm with Which? Trusted Traders, and although it doesn't get me much work directly, their logo on my estimate paperwork probably helps to swing the bigger jobs such as rewires my way. I also use their review function exclusively now as my GMB, Yell, FreeIndex and TrustPilot pages were all vandalised by fake reviews and had to go. I no longer show in a cold Google search anymore, but I don't think I ever got much business that way anyway. I did once pay for Adwords, and it was the quickest thirty quid I lost outside of happy hour at my local. It was pretty much Google coming back saying "Yep, we've promoted you somewhere, now watch the calls come in!"

They didn't.

Freeindex and Yell are good directory services to have a free listing on, but another good source for local work is a parish magazine if you have such. Better than a leaflet drop, it goes through all your neighbours letterboxes, and everyone looks inside. The old dears use it like Google as their tradesperson search, those new to the area go by it and even those who've been here for years will pick up on your presence. Again, it's good to show a picture of you and your van so they can put a face to the business and clock you going around town. You want to get the locals used to seeing you, and it pays to have a liveried van. If you live in a city, check surrounding villages on your patch for such publications.

These 'checked', 'rated' and 'trusted' sites usually only perform the most basic of checks, and they then let members loose onto their client base who will ultimately end up as the ones who do report back as to whether anyone is trustworthy or not. If not, the client has their pants pulled down and none of these sites will be taking any responsibility for it. As others have said, you end up competing with builders and kitchen/bathroom fitters for electrical work, and we all know people usually just want something cheap that works, never mind if it's actually safe in the event of a fault...
I've never paid for any on-line advertising. I bat off any cold calls asking if I want to sign up to anything... my view is that if they have found my number, so can potential clients.

I wrote my own web page in static HTML - it just has my logo, a mug shot, and a few words about where I serve, the sort of work I do, Terms of Business, and the kind of person I am.

I have a Facebook page, on which I have photos of work done, occasional posts about dodgy stuff I've found, and reviews left by customers.

I have a Google "My Business" page (which is free), with a couple of photos, and a few customer reviews.

Although I don't engage much directly on social media beyond the odd Facebook post (roughly one a month), a lot of my clients do... there are groups for local people to let others know what's going on, have a moan about the coucil/yoofs/roadworks, ask for recommendations etc; when my name pops up, it's handy to have a Facebook or web page for people to land on, peruse, then contact me.

To be honest, I'm still really surprised when people say, "I found you on the internet" because I have such very low expectations... an HTML page that was last updated a year ago, it's not exactly state-of-the-art "SEO" is it?!

Every time I email an invoice and certs (or receipt and certs if the customer pays by cash or cheque), I sign off with:

PS If you feel able to leave a testimonial for my work, you can do so on Facebook or Google: (then the links).

That, word of mouth, and some traditional paid advertising in local free magazines has worked well for me so far. Your mileage may vary :)
I've been through quite a few '3rd party' on line vetting agenices, and worked for a number of '3rd party' national maintenance companies were I am.

I've concluded them a waste of time, and so we have a 'no 3rd parties' clause now

I guess that's a bit terse of a reply.

The trades were proliferated with all manner of internet 3rd parties here after the last housing crash

They knew we were hungry, would sign onto anything

The problem is, they not only started vetting us, they evolved to creating standards for us as well

It got a tad to 'big brother' for many of us you see

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