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Total Trade Services - Wales

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liam b

Just wondering if anyone has heard of total trade services?

anyone worked for them or with them?

good or bad experience?

mr grimey,from lincs some of us have had 23 years experiance wiring y @ s plans,
so ya flannel dosnt wash wi me ripping lads off! we know mr s****** has done a bunk,but you will be taken for a ride eventually its the system,see u down job centre,just put it on ya expensis form,which u wont be paid!!!!
grimey aka Brian perhaps?? If not, Brian will stab you in the back as soon as blink. I was apparently finished for not getting a gas bond within 600mm of the meter. The customer would not allow any means of doing this , so I got as close as possible with managers permission. Documented it on mwc as well...
Manager denies all knowledge and mwc has disappeared after manager goes to site. Hmmm
sparky3366 that sounds really unfair. Ive had that myself where the customer wont let you run a cable to the gas meter. If that happens i get a signature from them and keep copys of that and the minor works for myself.

Paperwork did have a habit of going missing after it was handed in and customers cant be relied on not to lose it.
I keep a diary of all jobs done with notes on anything unusual that happened and records of who ive informed. Ive been on warmfront work for a long time with another company and they will always try to shift any blame on to the sparky or plumber.

if theres one thing ive leared in my years in the trade its that youve always got to cover yourself, keep proof of everything and dont rely on anyone else to tell the truth.

Hopefully this wont be a problem anymore as its all being run from the wakefield deppo now. Ive been in there and seen the folder they keep all my paperwork in. Its all there from the last few weeks.

Im not brian. Just another grunt who feels lucky to still be working the way things are.

Im not saying everyone who got finished was a bad spark. Ive been sent to jobs for a faulty part and everythings been done really well.

But there are plenty of others that havent and we`re still trying to clear those up.
I went to one the other day to supp bond the boiler. Finished up re-doing the lot. Immersion cap just sat on top of tank. Live into immersion floating around, exposed and flex too short. timer screws not done up. you could lift it off and expose the live cables without a screwdriver. Wiring centre lid not on properly. Cable grips not used. Started crackling as soon as i touched it - loose cables. copper strands all over the place. No sleeving. one of the cables just wrapped around a pipe cause he couldnt be bothered to clip it.
I have no sympathy at all for any spark who did work like this.

Even if they were mad at the company, and there were plenty who had legitimate grievences, there is no excuse for that kind of thing. Its not the customers fault and they dont deserve dangerous/shoddy work.
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Grimeysparks remember that you cannot delete your posts off this site and if you make yourself known in the flesh you may very well find yourself in court for slanderous unfounded comments about other tradesmen without proof!!

For a while now you and your Total Trade friends have assumed many log on names to try and oust the complainers and their persuit of your company. We have had enough of the cloak and dagger rubbish and are happy to let it rest now I mean, I got my wages because DStevenson had to backtrack on why I was sacked SPrice lied about a 7milibar drop that I supposedly left, I was reinstated but sacked again because of talking on this forum!! The lads on here have ousted this company for what it is RESULT, we have showed the power of the people so you can spew your garbage as much as you want! You are either very stupid OR you have a big brown tongue my friend!

WARNING to all decent tradesmen around the country reading this Total Trade aka Tempo Energy services be warned this company is now recruiting for tradesmen to fit bathrooms/kitchens for the Better Homes scheme! BEWARE as this company has the same management minus DStevenson (on paper)

One last thing too check out this site and the last post put on there from a gentleman regarding Total Trade who are still trading but ask to have cheques written to Tempo Energy services. Take a look folks its all good reading!! WARMFRONT COMPLAINTS - a Freedom of Information request to Department of Energy and Climate Change - WhatDoTheyKnow

and for all of you still interested in fighting the crusade my complaint is back online at this link


Note to all corrupt total trade and tempo MD's - just when you thought I had given up I am back!! Power to the people !!!!
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Hi Angel. I dont know who you are so for all I know you are one of the decent ones who cared about his customers. I dont want to get into slanging matches on here or start accusing individuals of stuff when I dont have all the facts.

I have copies of minor works left at the jobs ive had to re do because of shoddy or dangerous work. I know the names of these guys but i will not make them public on this forum because thats not the way to do it. if I come across anything unsafe I pass it on to my manager and keep a record of it, signed by the customer.

As I understand it for most of the lads who complained to corillion about being finished, we were able to produce several examples of jobs done by them which had been failed by corillion themselves for shoddy work. Just to clarify, thats what ive been told. I have had nothing to do with that other than being asked to provide photos and reports of some of the more spectacular jobs. I stand ready to be corrected on this, as I have no first hand knowledge of what goes on with corrilion.

Can I just say again that I am not saying all the lads who got finished were bad electricians, but a lot were. for the last few months i have continued to be shocked at the state some jobs were left in.

What was more disheartening was that even the ones who have generally done a decent job did not use sleeving on cables. I know its only a minor thing but if you havent marked your cables up correctly then you havent done the job to 17th edition as far as im concerned. I only know of 2 sparks so far, and at the height there were more than 30 of us I think, that actually used sleeving. Ive not been to everyones jobs, and some of the decent ones I will probably never have reason to.

But if the company didnt pay me correctly and on-time I would not be working for them. I have heard all sorts of things being said about pay, but as far as I know thats all done with now, and I know nothing about individual cases.

Yesterday i fitted 3 storage heaters and an E7 timer. took me about 10 hours, as the bonding was a real pain. Ill get paid over £160 for that job. The day before I did 2 combi boiler wire ups. on one the bonding was done so only took 2 hours. the other took me 3 as i had to do the bonding. £116 for 5 hours work.

If anyone asked me id say this companies worth working for. Everthings pretty laid back, and as long as the jobs done right and the customers are happy you can make really good money. It doesent always work out that well and sometimes you really have to work hard for your money, but in general I think im on to a pretty good thing.

And I have nothing but sympathy for any decent spark who had a bad experience of this company.
we all know who mr grimey is know!!!!!! wi his thai bride,they like small bald men that stab u in the back,and the terrible twins from wakefield depot,ad love to bump into all of them one evening and have a little word!!!!
There doesnt seem much point continuing this discussion if you dont believe a word i say.

Is it so hard to accept that not everyone had as much trouble as you? why would I work for them if I didnt get paid? thats pretty much the whole point of working. There are other people still working for them. Are they doing it for free?

Some really good lads were laid off because the warmfront work came to a virtual stop. There were also lots of really poor lads laid off too, and their shoddy work has kept me busy for months.

I went from doing 10-15 wireups a week to 2-3. Luckily(for me) there was a lot of shoddy work done so I was still pretty busy putting it all right.

People were laid off according to the amount of jobs they had failed by warmfront. Im still here because my work was ok, and because im good at fault finding. Im experienced with heating systems and was able to sort out the jobs that were wired wrong, and my customers were always happy with my work.

Im not Brian. do you really think he gives a stuff about this forum? Hes laid up at the mo and probably too busy having it away with his missus, and good luck to him.

I come on here because I care about my work. Im a good sparky, but I dont know everything and Ive learned lots on here. Ive been with Total Trade, now Tempo, since January and I have been shocked and saddened by how many cowboys they took on. many of the jobs I go back too have several problems with them, many of them just lazy or careless things from sparks who should have known better.

I dont know about the plumbers but all the bad sparks have left now. Ther is me, a guy in wales and another just started. The new guy in charge at wakefield wants the jobs done right and is willing to spend money to make sure they are. He paid one guy a couple of grand in redundancy, even tho we needed another spark, because his work wasnt up to scratch.

And once again, Not all the sparks were bad. Some decent guys were badly treated and the company made some bad mistakes. I hope theyve learened their lesson and things seem much better than they were.
ive just had a brilliant idea! brian,am going to set up a company ,set a load of lads on every 12 weeks,wi bonus scheme(that only lasts a month) small print! get em to drive 180 miles a day,on price! so its there time,ill stop paying their fuel after 8-10 weeks,get em to pay for it for couple o weeks,get em to pay for any excess materials THEN lay em all off,due to shoddy workman ship! and then offer them a settlement figure o half what i owe em!!!!!,after they have signed the confidendiality form!!!to zip em up,i should be on dragons den!!!!!!!!!
This total trades thing is getting out of hand. The very personal attack on Grimy is particularly bad. And yes after my attack on Lenny I suppose it is the pot calling the kettle black.

From reading through the thread again, yes there’s been some sharp practice and people hurt financially. I can understand these people being annoyed.

But the way things are going I can see the company taking action, you’ve given them plenty to go on. It’s not difficult to trace the origin of a post. I’ll bet their laughing their socks off.
Thanks Tony. If we can get past the name calling I enjoy a good debate.

I didnt want to put any personal details on here as ive heard the company frowns on us discussing them on this forum. But since im the only sparky left in lincolnshire im sure they know who I am by now and I guess theyre not that bothered.

I am not called Brian. My partner is a beautiful english lady called Lauren, who has given me 2 lovely children, and makes me feel lucky to be alive every day. The Brian they are talking about is the Electrical manager, who lives on the other side of the country. I met his missus once and she seemed very nice. Seems a little unfair to bring anyones families into this.

I dont come on here to defend the company,or have a go at those who left. I just want to give a balanced view of my experience with them, and hear about other peoples experience.

From what ive read on here, and seen in some customers houses, no one was entirely without blame while all this was going on. Company and tradesmen both let the customers and each other down.

At least the company are going round putting things right for the customers. How many of you who did poor work have called the customer to apologise, or offered to do it properly?
Well Tony ur a respected member of this forum and I for one respect what you have written, Grimey you have to admit that the novels u write on here raise suspicion as to your position within the company! I am happy for Total Trade/Tempo to know who I am, Carillion know who I am and so do the DECC, we have nothing to hide and draindoctor you are bang on!!!! The company is corrupt down to rippin and messing customers AND employees around, maybe they have tightened their act up for now but once all eyes are off them they will more than likely go on to do the same thing again, it is never right to promise tradesmen a 4 year ongoing contract when in fact they were only taken on to clear the backlog, that was a disgrace and I am a plumber and I know the customers whose houses I worked in were more than satisfied with my conduct yet disgusted at how they and I were treat by the company! We could go on all day back and forth as you say and this is getting somewhat tiring which is why I stopped posting until Grimey came back on to have a pop at Mrs Kirks husband on the plumbing forum, I like to keep an eye on both sites and so this had pretty much gone to bed until then so Grimey mate, if you don't like what is being said then don't post and start it off again mate!!!! I don't know who you are but if you take and outsiders look at your posts you come across as part of the Total Trade management, you can't blame the lads for believing that and also this has gone on for quite some time now, do you really think that ANY bad tradesman would keep coming back to post lies! I am sorry but no, only those of us who have a genuine ability for the job and are disgruntled at our treatment would do so, so like you say what is the point of US lot posting when you do not seem to absorb what WE are saying!! A dog chasing its tail it seems!!

Ok lads one more try for Becky Prosser at Cowboy Builders at [email protected] and let her know your GENUINE greivances. She wants to know about bad working practices and your lack of PAT tested tools and no PPE also bad working ethics, which to be honest I was told to wire in boilers til electricians arrived at the job and I point blank refused to do as I do not have my part P OR 17 edition qualification.

Good Luck lads and I hope you all get what was owed to you as I did!! Keep on going, and draindoctor, they aren't just offering half of what the lads are owed, I know a couple who have been sent invoices for overpaid wages. It's a joke!!
Youre right mate. This is just going round in circles. I accept what you say. Im sure not everyone complaining on here deserved the treatment they got, and the fact that you keep on checking shows that you care.

I dont know the circumstances of anyone on here. I only know my own. I had one month where my pay was down by £700. I called Sam in the office, worked out exactly what was missing, and sent them a polite email about it. I got a reply a few days later and the missing money was in the next months pay.

Since then Ive never had a problem and I genuinely believe theyve got there act together. Weather that continues remains to be seen and im glad for the pressure that was put on them by this forum. They know they cant treat people as they did.

As for the comments on the plumbing forum, I wish id never said anything on there. Im not a plumber and shouldnt be on there, and I shouldnt be critiscisng plumbers. I can only say id had a particularly difficult day sorting out other peoples c**p jobs and was in a foul mood and fed up of all the people who left us with so much mess to clear up.
the time has come lads,they have been on welsh tv,consumer prog on monday and now regional news today! so all disgruntled customers will be ringing watchdog after seeing it,so now us lads needs to e-mail em to,tell them ya horror stories and ya silly settlement figure!!!!!
lol the worst company EVER, best feeling was after being temporary laid off for nearly 2 months then a phone call on the friday telling me to be available for a job on the monday, told em to stick it as they still owed me fuel money from 3 months previous, suddenly money appeared in bank about £300 quid, said cheers and stick the job .. well you can drive 3 hrs for a final interview and drop the van off and tools.. really!!! any more fuel money, ?? thought not.. I never got sacked I left because they where so unbelievably dodgy, I still cant get over why I stayed so long constanstly fighting for fuel money and cock ups with pay, not because of remedials just missing days, not paying holidays, jobs not accounted for, oh the endless stress, ... Now though, have quit the trade and work for a company that pays me every week and I even get a payslip every time without fail.. Get away from warmfront and all the corruption that resides with it....

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