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why do women want men to return to mounted combat?

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seems i cant turn on the youtubes to watch people fall from ladders without being bombarded with feminist videos moaning about how men arent chivalrous , i fail to see what a system mainly to do with ancient combat has to do with the 21st century

do women really want men to return to horseback combat and knighthood?

if we did return to that type of society we still wouldnt marry you millenial "ladies", go and be strong and independent on welfare..

i feel sorry for you older chaps who did not realise how shitty a contract marriage is for men
This is one area the 21st century desperately needs a turn back the clock moment.

Feminists don't want men to be chivalrous (and that's the contemporary meaning of the word, i.e. being a gentleman). They don't need men to be chivalrous because they are strong and independent (as you suggest).

All I can say is don't believe all you read or see on the internet. You spend the time talking to real women and you'll soon discover that it's the simple things that can make the difference in what makes a man appealing.

Chivalry for example... wine and dine a lady, don't go clubbing and get ratted together. Be a gentleman... open doors, be kind and compassionate... but don't stop being a man.

Women don't want weedy little skinny jeans wearing male feminists (a growing percentage of the younger male population due to the constant erosion of masculinity by the feminists)... we want men.

And if anyone is offended because I'm not being all inclusive on the gender front, I'm doing it because there are only two genders (anything else is just a complete and utter denial of basic biology - a fact, and facts beat feelings every time) :D
This is one area the 21st century desperately needs a turn back the clock moment.

Feminists don't want men to be chivalrous (and that's the contemporary meaning of the word, i.e. being a gentleman). They don't need men to be chivalrous because they are strong and independent (as you suggest).

All I can say is don't believe all you read or see on the internet. You spend the time talking to real women and you'll soon discover that it's the simple things that can make the difference in what makes a man appealing.

Chivalry for example... wine and dine a lady, don't go clubbing and get ratted together. Be a gentleman... open doors, be kind and compassionate... but don't stop being a man.

Women don't want weedy little skinny jeans wearing male feminists (a growing percentage of the younger male population due to the constant erosion of masculinity by the feminists)... we want men.

And if anyone is offended because I'm not being all inclusive on the gender front, I'm doing it because there are only two genders (anything else is just a complete and utter denial of basic biology - a fact, and facts beat feelings every time) :D
feminists want all the good stuff and none of the bad stuff, they want /feel entitled to go straight to the position of CEO of a billion £ company as soon as they leave school

Chivalry, or the chivalric code, is an informal, varying code of conduct developed between 1170 and 1220, never decided on or summarized in a single document, associated with the medieval institution of knighthood; knights' and gentlewomen's behaviours were governed[when?] by chivalrous social codes.[1][better source needed] The ideals of chivalry were popularized in medieval literature, especially the Matter of Britain and Matter of France, the former based on Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae which introduced the legend of King Arthur, which was written in the 1130s.[2] All of these were taken as historically accurate until the beginnings of modern scholarship.

The code of chivalry that developed in medieval Europe had its roots in earlier centuries. It arose in the Holy Roman Empire from the idealisation of the cavalryman—involving military bravery, individual training, and service to others—especially in Francia, among horse soldiers in Charlemagne's cavalry.[3][4] The term "chivalry" derives from the Old French term chevalerie, which can be translated to "horse soldiery".[Note 1] Originally, the term referred only horse mounted man, from the french word for horse, "cheval", but later on it became associated with knightly ideals.[6]

Over time, its meaning in Europe has been refined to emphasise more general social and moral virtues. The code of chivalry, as it stood by the Late Middle Ages, was a moral system which combined a warrior ethos, knightly piety, and courtly manners, all conspiring to establish a notion of honour and nobility.[Note 2]

theres literally nothing marriage can offer me , even having a woman live in my house for 6 months somehow gives her a right to own it without paying a penny into it herself, seen it happen thousands of times

i wonder though, why are men still getting married when its a 1 sided contract, it only makes sense for women to get married because it favours them in 90% of cases
This is one area the 21st century desperately needs a turn back the clock moment.

Feminists don't want men to be chivalrous (and that's the contemporary meaning of the word, i.e. being a gentleman). They don't need men to be chivalrous because they are strong and independent (as you suggest).

All I can say is don't believe all you read or see on the internet. You spend the time talking to real women and you'll soon discover that it's the simple things that can make the difference in what makes a man appealing.

Chivalry for example... wine and dine a lady, don't go clubbing and get ratted together. Be a gentleman... open doors, be kind and compassionate... but don't stop being a man.

Women don't want weedy little skinny jeans wearing male feminists (a growing percentage of the younger male population due to the constant erosion of masculinity by the feminists)... we want men.

And if anyone is offended because I'm not being all inclusive on the gender front, I'm doing it because there are only two genders (anything else is just a complete and utter denial of basic biology - a fact, and facts beat feelings every time) :D
Its the little things that I was bought up with that make a difference, if a woman walks in to a room at a gathering you stand up to great them, you allow the woman when you go for a meal to sit down first, when walking down the street the man stays to the roadside, if the gap narrows you let the female through first unless there is a crowd then you go first to clear a way through.

Some women now think they are like men, these are the ones that in their 40's will be moaning that they are childless and not in a relationship and in their 60's will be pushing a shopping trolley around Milton Keynes with all their possessions, 6 cats and a 2 ltr bottle of Diamond White.......... for company.
seems i cant turn on the youtubes to watch people fall from ladders without being bombarded with feminist videos moaning about how men arent chivalrous , i fail to see what a system mainly to do with ancient combat has to do with the 21st century

do women really want men to return to horseback combat and knighthood?

if we did return to that type of society we still wouldnt marry you millenial "ladies", go and be strong and independent on welfare..

i feel sorry for you older chaps who did not realise how shitty a contract marriage is for men

Its not to do with men on horseback, its to do with a moral and social code which in this day and age is being eroded by the liberal elite, once religion and moral standards have been eroded then its far easier to control the masses and to manipulate them, stick a load of people on welfare and allow a load of immigrants in to the country supplying them with council houses then they are more likely to vote labour, sell them council houses on the cheap they will vote Conservative, its all a game of chess and we are the pawns, let the masses get drunk they then don't care about politics or whats going around them.

When was the last time we had a good riot regarding politics?

BTW how old are you if you don't mind me asking?

Oh and you are right, why bother getting married its the same as sticking your hands in to a live CSU you will get burnt, having children is like sticking your hands in to a 3 Phase board as you'll lose nearly everything, VOE. Never ever again.
I don't believe the divorce system in this country is fair. It appears (as has been suggested) to be heavily biased in favour of women. Personally I find it abhorrent that a woman (who in her own right was not successful) can marry a successful guy and then effectively strip mine his assets in a divorce settlement. I also find it abhorrent that custody of children favours women as well, it kind of implies they are more suitable parents... what a crock of carp that is!

You guys are right to complain about the system because at the moment it heavily favours women in many ways, but rest assured not all women are gold diggers.
It's what a pre nuptial is for.

An it works both ways.

Still, marriage isn't something you go into thinking; what happens when we split up.

How does it work in a same sex marriage? Maybe that something for you to look into.
Women, in general, in my experience want a man like "Poldark"
I believe more men are now getting custody of the children, I also believe that like in some countries what you bought in to the marriage you take out, off course there is an issue when you have children.

Prenuptial agreements in the UK are not legally binding but can be taken in to account, I had the snip as an insurance policy.
There are certain jobs you do around the house, I put the rubbish out the girlfriend does the ironing, but I iron my own shirts when needed.
I thought by the thread title, that its was about some new PlayStation or Xbox thingy game.

But I see it isn't, and I haven't a scooby about what you lot are banging on about. o_O
men should know what they want

neither aristotle, da vince, einstein, ot hawking could fathom that out, so what chance do we mere mortal men have? even a crystal ball gets shattered by the feminist ball-breakers.
men should know what they want

neither aristotle, da vince, einstein, ot hawking could fathom that out, so what chance do we mere mortal men have? even a crystal ball gets shattered by the feminist ball-breakers.
None of them where good looking with a 12" schlong though............. off to have a shave.........
Its not to do with men on horseback, its to do with a moral and social code which in this day and age is being eroded by the liberal elite, once religion and moral standards have been eroded then its far easier to control the masses and to manipulate them, stick a load of people on welfare and allow a load of immigrants in to the country supplying them with council houses then they are more likely to vote labour, sell them council houses on the cheap they will vote Conservative, its all a game of chess and we are the pawns, let the masses get drunk they then don't care about politics or whats going around them.

When was the last time we had a good riot regarding politics?

BTW how old are you if you don't mind me asking?

Oh and you are right, why bother getting married its the same as sticking your hands in to a live CSU you will get burnt, having children is like sticking your hands in to a 3 Phase board as you'll lose nearly everything, VOE. Never ever again.
im 28, i thought chivalry was first adopted by cavalry on how to fight like gentlemen, either way it was more to do with combat than stepping to the gutter side of the pavement

not shooting a medic, thats chivalrous, not shooting fighter pilots who have ejected from their aircraft is chivalrous

i treat women as 100% equal, ive never had a woman hold the door open for me so ive stopped bothering , obviously there are certain clauses, like if its a pensioner or they are disabled they get the door opened, and the pavement one, i try and walk in such a way that females have to go nearest to the traffic

hippity hoppity women used to be property?!?

if i was on the titanic id have a lifeboat all to myself, i dont care , at least id be alive

if i empty my seed into a woman and she says she wants to abort, but doesnt abort, i cant do a thing to make her do so, but id have to pay for that little ---- till it turned 18, ive got too much stuff to buy for myself before even entertaining the idea of a mini-me

i used to be a nice guy, till i realised the longer i know the same woman the more she annoys me

my friend who is engaged with a kid isnt even allowed out for a burger king without permission, what sort of life is that
It's what a pre nuptial is for.

An it works both ways.

Still, marriage isn't something you go into thinking; what happens when we split up.

How does it work in a same sex marriage? Maybe that something for you to look into.
why would i want to share my house with an evil spiteful being who wants to do drain my wallet more than the main vein?
im 28, i thought chivalry was first adopted by cavalry on how to fight like gentlemen, either way it was more to do with combat than stepping to the gutter side of the pavement

not shooting a medic, thats chivalrous, not shooting fighter pilots who have ejected from their aircraft is chivalrous

i treat women as 100% equal, ive never had a woman hold the door open for me so ive stopped bothering , obviously there are certain clauses, like if its a pensioner or they are disabled they get the door opened, and the pavement one, i try and walk in such a way that females have to go nearest to the traffic

hippity hoppity women used to be property?!?

if i was on the titanic id have a lifeboat all to myself, i dont care , at least id be alive

if i empty my seed into a woman and she says she wants to abort, but doesnt abort, i cant do a thing to make her do so, but id have to pay for that little **** till it turned 18, ive got too much stuff to buy for myself before even entertaining the idea of a mini-me

i used to be a nice guy, till i realised the longer i know the same woman the more she annoys me

my friend who is engaged with a kid isnt even allowed out for a burger king without permission, what sort of life is that

I have a feeling its not your choice that your single for some reason.
im 28, i thought chivalry was first adopted by cavalry on how to fight like gentlemen, either way it was more to do with combat than stepping to the gutter side of the pavement

not shooting a medic, thats chivalrous, not shooting fighter pilots who have ejected from their aircraft is chivalrous

i treat women as 100% equal, ive never had a woman hold the door open for me so ive stopped bothering , obviously there are certain clauses, like if its a pensioner or they are disabled they get the door opened, and the pavement one, i try and walk in such a way that females have to go nearest to the traffic

hippity hoppity women used to be property?!?

if i was on the titanic id have a lifeboat all to myself, i dont care , at least id be alive

if i empty my seed into a woman and she says she wants to abort, but doesnt abort, i cant do a thing to make her do so, but id have to pay for that little **** till it turned 18, ive got too much stuff to buy for myself before even entertaining the idea of a mini-me

i used to be a nice guy, till i realised the longer i know the same woman the more she annoys me

my friend who is engaged with a kid isnt even allowed out for a burger king without permission, what sort of life is that

She thats your mistake, women are just a little bit better......

Whats your Mums address as I will print off what you wrote and will post it to her so she can read it.

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