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Discuss No help with mortgage when your on the dole ! in the Electricians Chat - Off Topic Chat area at


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Dont want to be a hypocrite as i have a mortgage myself but just want first time buyers to be aware that if your ever out of work you wont get any help from dhss until youve been unemployed for 3 months and even then they will only pay 3% of your interest rate and nothing off the capital payments.Whereas if your renting you will get housing benefits immediatly.Wish i,d never taken a mortgage now because i was out of work for 3 months last year and have been out for 2 months since xmas with not much prospect of getting work. So i find myself 5 months in arrears wondering how long before building society will evict me.Then the local council will have to re-house me and pay my rent when im unemployed.Meanwhile my re-possesed house will have been auctioned off,possibly to a private landlord who might rent it back to me.
feel sry for u feller,,,maybe we should take a leaf out of the egyptians book and get this goverment out,,,,,last big job i was on nearly all workers from eastern europe ,,,
Dont want to be a hypocrite as i have a mortgage myself but just want first time buyers to be aware that if your ever out of work you wont get any help from dhss until youve been unemployed for 3 months and even then they will only pay 3% of your interest rate and nothing off the capital payments.Whereas if your renting you will get housing benefits immediatly.Wish i,d never taken a mortgage now because i was out of work for 3 months last year and have been out for 2 months since xmas with not much prospect of getting work. So i find myself 5 months in arrears wondering how long before building society will evict me.Then the local council will have to re-house me and pay my rent when im unemployed.Meanwhile my re-possesed house will have been auctioned off,possibly to a private landlord who might rent it back to me.

i feel for you man i really do,the banks are quick to give out the mortgage but even quicker to take it back,the goverment need to sort this,force the banks to defer for upto 2 years till people get back on there feet,it was the banks doing anyway the way the economy is now and the fact the taxpayers own most of them:mad:..,im sure people would rather pay an extra 2 years on top rather than lose their home,in the mean time find any job you can dont be proud,drive a van,work nightshift at asda etc and start offering the bank some sort of repayment,get then off your back till you get back into the swing...keep on keeping on..good luck
And the guys doing domestic installer courses wonder why qualified sparks are angry!!! You do a fully indentured apprenticeship with slave wages and all the rubbish jobs then when you qualify it takes years to get experience/respect, and you are constantly having to resit exams for regulations/health and safety/pts card/doms card/hv authorisation/safety passport/ecs test/2391 inspection and testing/2382 wiring regs/compex/rjit etc etc etc!!! just to find yourself on the dole whilst some guy that's done a fast track 70 day course is working at wiring houses and sticking two fingers up to you and undercutting you anyway!!! It's a bloody disgrace and when someone gets badly injured/electrocuted it will all be too late as usual and the trade will be watered down irreversibly!!!
Dont want to be a hypocrite as i have a mortgage myself but just want first time buyers to be aware that if your ever out of work you wont get any help from dhss until youve been unemployed for 3 months and even then they will only pay 3% of your interest rate and nothing off the capital payments.Whereas if your renting you will get housing benefits immediatly.Wish i,d never taken a mortgage now because i was out of work for 3 months last year and have been out for 2 months since xmas with not much prospect of getting work. So i find myself 5 months in arrears wondering how long before building society will evict me.Then the local council will have to re-house me and pay my rent when im unemployed.Meanwhile my re-possesed house will have been auctioned off,possibly to a private landlord who might rent it back to me.

Have you spoken directly to your lender? They may agree to a temporary payment "holiday" or "interest only". If you don't talk to them they are much less likely to help you. Could you sub let to help with the payments?

Keep your spirit up, you'll need to be positive when you go for interviews
What about renting your house out to cover the mortgage and living with parents? there is a great demand for rental properties just now!
Not ideal but as a short term solution it could be worth thinking about.
If you gotta move out, better to keep possession of the house rather than let the banks take it, you can go back eventually when times get better.
Good luck, feel for you.
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The government has very little power over the banks as will be seen very soon when 6 billion pounds worth of bonuses will be paid out. This amount could help to reduce the deficit.

Customers across the country should join forces and withdraw all of their money from these bank`s in protest. See how they like it
feel sry for u feller,,,maybe we should take a leaf out of the egyptians book and get this goverment out,,,,,last big job i was on nearly all workers from eastern europe ,,,'re kind of missing the point here.

This government has had nothing to do with the situation the OP is in - the lack of help for mortgage payers while unemployed is a LABOUR initiative, designed and implemented by Gordon Brown. Hi is/was a die hard believer in state control of everything, and his policies sooner or later, would have led us right into the situation Russia is still trying to recover from.

Even in the UK we have examples of "central" heating on estates, where the heating supply comes from a communal point into houses and flats, and never works properly.

Where the fault lies is with the banks - the same banks that Gordon Brown gave all the power to which allows them to do what they are today. What he did in giving the banks the power they have today is something nobody should ever forgive him for, whatever their politics. He took this country, and sold it out in every way possible - to the banks, to Europe, to America (which is already bankrupt - so much so that they're now trying to annexe Canada quietly to sell off its reserves for their own gain).

THIS government is crippled before it starts.

To be fair, we have the tory element sitting there saying "we've got to do this, this and that to get this country back on its feet", and the liberal element saying "but what about the people...will nobody care about the people?"

That a$$hole Clegg is only there for the popularity vote - he cares ONLY about looking good. At least Cameron has the balls to try to make the changes needed, for the most part.

The fundamental problem underlying ALL of this is that the Bank of England is not under government control any longer, only superficially, and the big four can all make their own rules - which they have been for years now, with impunity, knowing fine that they cannot be reigned in.

You saw the same news I have recently "Bank pi$$ed off that Cameron has clobbered them another £2Bn" - so WHAT - they owe us a damn sight more than that. To be honest, they should take the lot off them and start again. That's FOR the people.

We need simply to get out of Europe, to get out of NATO, to get out of all the big boy's clubs and do what Japan did after WW2 - shut the damn doors, fix our own house, and start again proud and proper. Tell me why it is that 12p in every pound I earn goes into some German's pocket -I don't live in Germany, I don't drive a German car, I don't eat German food. I don't employ German workers.

If I did, I would pay GERMAN government taxes for the privilege. Same with France, Spain, Greece, and anywhere else in the so called Union - we spent too long paying in and getting nothing back. We've been paying ever since Maggie had the nous to stand up and tell them where to poke the ERM, and we should never have signed up in '73 when we did to the EEC. We can still sell to them without all that.

Maybe I'm just getting old - but tell me why it is that the taxes I pay should help some fat muppet in Brussels get even fatter, while my fellow countrymen cannot even afford to feed themselves day to day. There's something far wrong in that, when we can't see the benefits we're getting back for what we pay.

I'll give you an example - £150M in fines from the Eurocrap to our councils.....a HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION - or almost THREE QUID for every single person in the UK. What? What have we had from Europe to justify that? Yet.....they're paying it, all the while collecting less and less rubbish from the doorsteps we pay them thousands each to collect. All the while colluding in reducing our police forces. All the while reducing the roles our fire services deal with. All the while saying they can't maintain decent housing stock for the people that can't afford their own homes.

I have no problem at all paying 40p in the pound in taxes. I have a BIG problem paying it when I know that less than 10p of that tax money is actually benefiting UK citizens.

Now, and this is very probably controversial, and will no doubt raise the odd "unionised" eye here and there - but if ever unions had a place in the work force, in the UK - it would be in pushing the government to put money in the RIGHT places - not in demanding more and more money from employers who don't have it (not the ones who do - I understand that).

Until we have a government which truly puts the UK first, over Europe, over "special relationships" with bankrupt countries who just happen to speak the same "language" we do...ish.......we'll get nowhere. You guys, me, every one of us paying taxes, are paying for all those things first, and our own country last.

/Rant off (for the moment).
spoken like a true tory..

Well, that really depend son what you think a "true tory" is, or stands for.

I'm happy to share my politics with anyone, friend - quite simply, I'm for the working man being able to earn enough to provide for his family, support his family, and live at least comfortably, knowing that what he has is his. That, in essence, is more socialist than tory - I'm not a socialist though.

I am in favour of welfare for those who NEED it. That's also socialist in nature.

I'm in favour of anyone who can getting off their butts and earning their income - that's fairly tory......

And I believe that the government should work for the best interests of the population - sadly, that makes me idealist.

If you feel better labelling me tory, carry right on - personally, I am proud to stand up and be counted as someone who gives a **** for the state this country is in, and its people.
erm sry if i missed the point ,,,maybe if we had a goverment that stood up for uk workers and stopped large companies shipping in cheap labour 20al and a lot of other construction workers would have work and would be able to pay mortgage,,
agree with u on a lot that you pointed out in your post bill, get out eec pull our heads out the yanks arse,s etc etc...i personally never voted for a goverment made from lib or con ,i voted for one. as for bankers think i read that we the tax payers pumped 850 billion into them,so i kinda think that gives us a big say weather any of them get a bonus or not,,,

18 millionaires between cross benches of Government Labour and Tories, capitalism is what we got and it will get worse imo.
Well, that really depend son what you think a "true tory" is, or stands for.

I'm happy to share my politics with anyone, friend - quite simply, I'm for the working man being able to earn enough to provide for his family, support his family, and live at least comfortably, knowing that what he has is his. That, in essence, is more socialist than tory - I'm not a socialist though.

I am in favour of welfare for those who NEED it. That's also socialist in nature.

I'm in favour of anyone who can getting off their butts and earning their income - that's fairly tory......

And I believe that the government should work for the best interests of the population - sadly, that makes me idealist.

If you feel better labelling me tory, carry right on - personally, I am proud to stand up and be counted as someone who gives a **** for the state this country is in, and its people.

well companies should pay more,they are the ones that benefit the most,if thatcher hadnt sold off the council housing stock there would be affordable housing,
Personally I think that you shouldn't get help if on the dole with a mortgage.

Take out the appropriate cover and you'll be fine. Been there and I had the civer so so no worries.

Why should you be helped out if on th e dole?

18 millionaires between cross benches of Government Labour and Tories, capitalism is what we got and it will get worse imo.

Yup.....times don't change so much - the few running the many.

We've still never got the fundamental point that our politicians need to be INDEPENDENT of business interests. Not likely to happen, I agree. Certainly not all the time all we have to fight it with is apathy, and others who think the only way to fight is with violence.

Heh - think it's time I went and got coffee :)
I had always thought you got all the interest paid and you'd actually be better off with a mortgage (especially when house prices were going up by more than the average wage) because if you have £30k saved for a rainy day you're expected to live off that, but if you pay it all into a mortgage you've got a share in a property and you're 'cash poor' so get the full range of benefits.

There have always been pitfalls in the benefits system; first time I claimed was in the 90s when you could only get JSA if you were sacked or laid off and not if you left. I was working in pubs at the time and the jobcentre would call up and say "Hi I'm calling from the employment service, did you fire [such and such] or did they leave?" Not realising what was going on they would automatically say you left, then go around saying "he tried to 'do us' for unfair dismissal", so you get sacked, screwed out of your benefits and slagged off because some dimwit has their head in the clouds.

feel sry for u feller,,,maybe we should take a leaf out of the egyptians book and get this goverment out,,,,,last big job i was on nearly all workers from eastern europe ,,,
If you get rid of this government there's a good chance of going back to the last one who caused all the problems in the first place, so that's a non-starter really. It's not like everything was going to change overnight but things are going in the right direction.
well companies should pay more,they are the ones that benefit the most,if thatcher hadnt sold off the council housing stock there would be affordable housing,

Kinda shows maybe you didn't read what I wrote........

The bit where I said.....unions chasing employers......APART from the ones who CAN AFFORD IT........I don't see how that disagrees with your view my friend.

Or is it that you believe you start a business and automatically become rich? Surely not.....

Reason I ask, is because union interference cost a mate of mine a damn good business a while back......claiming that a total chancer, who just happened to have union membership was getting shafted when he got the sack. Thing is he wasn't getting shafted at all. He was a lazy, no good chancer who thought the world owed him a living.

His actions, with union backing cost six people their jobs, and folded a business which was set to employ another fifteen. It also cost my friend everything he'd spent years working to build up, including his family's home.

On the other hand......I agree with you totally, AND ALSO POINTED out that every working man and woman in this country should have a right to a LIVING wage - the difference is, that most of us in business (over 75%) are SMALL businesses - my profit margins don't always allow me to pay what I want my guys to have, but by god none of them goes hungry.

As for Margaret Thatcher selling off the housing stock - most Housing Association stock is rented at equivalent rates to "council" equivalents, and has strict rent rate legislation in place to prevent it over charging. I honestly don't know any place now that I could rent a three bedroom house at anything like the prices the Housing Associations round here charge - IRO £500 pcm for HA rent, versus minimum £750 private. How's that not affordable?

Perhaps your complaint isn't so much about coast as availability?

That being so, the figures for my local authority show that year on year, Housing Association stock has risen by around 5-10% against a national average of 7%. Where would you have the Associations build this housing, given that we no longer build High Rise flats - and are pulling them all down, rightly? Given that we also don't want to create even more ghettos, and poor quality housing built on former waste sites?

Perhaps the fault lies more in uncontrolled immigration than in "selling off" council housing to tightly regulated not for profit housing associations?
Everyones as got a differing opinions on politics and Governments, but no-one was moaning when Labour was in and there was a lot of money sloshing a round the system.

It was not uncommon for all trades to be earning a £1,000 a week some weeks, some of the holidays people were taking and cars they were buying as though money was dropping of trees. I see plenty of it going on, how many put any-thing away for problem times ?

I know a lot of the guys in their 20s working within the same contracts as me were living it up, big time. I just carried on as normal, knowing things would blow in the end.

So really I have mixed feelings on the subject, savers are getting hammered because Government want inflation to erode peoples debts when people like me lived a normal life.

Too much of "I want it now attitude" well sorry when I wanted an holiday years ago, it was luxury and I had work evenings, nights and weekends to get one.
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Everyones as got a differing opinions on politics and Governments, but no-one was moaning when Labour was in and there was a lot of money sloshing a round the system.

It was not uncommon for all trades to be earning a £1,000 a week some weeks, some of the holidays people were taking and cars they were buying as though money was dropping of trees. I see plenty of it going on, how many put any-thing away for problem times ?

I know a lot of the guys in their 20s working within the same contracts as me were living it up, big time. I just carried on as normal, knowing things would blow in the end.

So really I have mixed feelings on the subject, savers are getting hammered because Government want inflation to erode peoples debts when people like me lived a normal life.

Too much of "I want it now attitude" well sorry when I wanted an holiday years ago, it was luxury and I had work evenings, nights and weekends to get one.

That's really it, isn't it.

The name we give each "kind" of politics is immaterial - what we need IS a mix.

The real point is we should be looking to put Britain and her people first. We don't currently do that at all.
That's really it, isn't it.

The name we give each "kind" of politics is immaterial - what we need IS a mix.

The real point is we should be looking to put Britain and her people first. We don't currently do that at all.

You won't get a mix with 18 millionaires sitting on the front benches.

Wheres Vince cable now ? he was going to shut loop hole after loop hole
You won't get a mix with 18 millionaires sitting on the front benches.

Wheres Vince cable now ? he was going to shut loop hole after loop hole

Agreed. I said it's what we need......didn't say its what we'd get. Sadly.

And yes, not much from Cable....maybe he shorted out.
Spending beyond your means is what the Labour party's all about:[video=youtube;SyDBsMi7WE8][/video]
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Personally I think that you shouldn't get help if on the dole with a mortgage.

Take out the appropriate cover and you'll be fine. Been there and I had the civer so so no worries.

Why should you be helped out if on th e dole?
I didnt know that there were any insurance policies that would cover self employed sparks becoming unemployed. Iknow a few sparks who took out policies which proved worthless when they tried to claim against them.
If the worst happens to me then i will be forced to sell my house to a member of my family and rent it back off them,and the next time am out of work i will claim housing benefit which will then pay the mortage. A private landlord will never have any trouble paying his mortgage because if his tenants become unemployed they will claim housing benefit which will pay his mortgage.
This may be really daft idea or a stroke of genius. Obviously things are very very bad for 20al, worse off than most and trying to keep a roof over his family's head.

If 20al posts the area that he works in, can any members keep an eye out for a bit of work for him? I know there are loads of people on here that are struggling but not to this degree. If your able to help him please do so because no matter how long we discuss politics its clear to see that we are not going to get the help that is needed from this government.
I am in a similar situation to 20al only that I had a little money stashed away and am living off it now.
As a single man told to make do with £65 a week and no help with the mortage for 13 weeks(4 months) I am in the position that I am having to sell and go back to my parents which at my age won't be much fun.
As for mortage protection insurance I had that in the past and it was useless.It is only for people who have regular long term work.It will not pay out after working for an agency for two weeks.
As for getting my mortage paid for by the state they will only pay the first 3.25% which would leave me well short as I am on a fixed rate of 6.99%.
You can approach your lender and ask for a payment holiday which they might give you.
The only other beneift I am told I am entilted to is a Council Tax rebate.
For a single man with no children who has worked all his days the system is wrongly set up with little or no help.
I believe I have no choice to sell after being idle for five months last year and not having worked this year I do not see the situation improving for myself soon.
I know another spark that had to sell is car as his insurance protection wouldn't payout and that leaves him in a worse position for job hunting as he can only ake a job that he can travel to on the bus.
Hard times can hit anyone and a few weeks with no money coming in is hard but when it is amonths at a time it is really hard.
The amont off failed relationships and marriages due to unemployment in these hard times must have skyrocketed.
I would have thought the insurance companies would be obliged to refund what you've paid into any policy if it transpired they weren't valid in the first place.
Most of the insurance policies will only pay out if you have been in a years continues employment making them useless for the averge spark.And you have to be books in with a company.So if your last job is agency you can't claim
Most of the insurance policies will only pay out if you have been in a years continues employment making them useless for the averge spark.And you have to be books in with a company.So if your last job is agency you can't claim
Sorry to hear your in the same boat as me mate. Perhaps smug Amp David will enlighten us and tell us who his insurancers are and wether he is self employed and where all this cash work is. Good luck mate.
This may be really daft idea or a stroke of genius. Obviously things are very very bad for 20al, worse off than most and trying to keep a roof over his family's head.

If 20al posts the area that he works in, can any members keep an eye out for a bit of work for him? I know there are loads of people on here that are struggling but not to this degree. If your able to help him please do so because no matter how long we discuss politics its clear to see that we are not going to get the help that is needed from this government.
Thanks for your concern Paul,i live in Cardiff,S Wales and am willing to work away from home.Perhaps my plight is not quite as bad as i made out because i have some good friends and family who will help me out.I was trying to point out what to me seems a farcial situation where you get no help to pay mortgage,have house repossesed,get re-housed by local council and then get paid housing benefits which in turn could be paying some private landlords mortgage !
Can't u get a start at pembroke power station bloody great big job ,,
Company doing electrics up there is called dornans , Irish outfit u need to talk to joanne Sheann.
Personally I think that you shouldn't get help if on the dole with a mortgage.

Take out the appropriate cover and you'll be fine. Been there and I had the civer so so no worries.

Why should you be helped out if on th e dole?
You may be fine sitting in Ivory Towers mate but some of us are really struggling and can't get a start anywhere.
As for insurance why take it out when you know it will not cover you?
People like myself that pay into the system are failed by the system.
Having no money is a daily struggle which grinds you down.Especially when you know folk that haven't worked a day in their lives seem to live quite happyly on benefits and they will not be worrying about paying rent/mortage etc and losing their home which they have worked hard for

Reply to No help with mortgage when your on the dole ! in the Electricians Chat - Off Topic Chat area at

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