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Advice Needed Regarding Potential Rodent Damage To Electrical Cables/System

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Hi All,

I was advised by a member of another tech forum to ask for help over here. We have had an influx of Rats & Mice at our home over the last six months.

We got very badly screwed over by a Pest Controller that was recommended to us - he told us that he had checked the drains & that was not their entry point (which it actually was). He then said he had properly filled in all the entry points in the house so was 99.99% certain they would not come back.

He then stopped coming round for check ups when we were still getting a large number of rodents. One of the entry points was in the cupboard under the stairs where the Circuit Breaker Boxes are & all the cables that lead from under it into the floorboards.

It was found that the rats had begun to chew into one/some of the cables leaving a part of it/them exposed of the copper inside.

The view I was told was that it was not that bad & covering up the damaged part with insulation tape would be good enough.

After this pest controller would not respond to our calls to deal with more rats coming in, I got another one round to inspect things. He found that not any of the entry points round the house had been sealed as promised & that the cupboard under stairs had massive entry points as the floorboards were just left unsecured & partly open so the rats were able to easily get in & out.

Because the first pest controller totally lied about sealing the entry points & even made things much worse by leaving the floorboards unsecured, I am really now a little concerned at how bad the damage to the electrical cables might have been & if it was just a bodge job putting electrical tape over the damaged part however small. I was under so much stress at the time, I trusted what I was told.

I have no way to know if that was the only damage done by rats or of there might be more under the floorboards & elsewhere in the property as the rats were pretty much in/under the floor & inside walls in all the rooms on the ground floor.

I have been told that I need to get something called a EICR Test to be done on a circuit by circuit(?) basis & not a couple of simple tests at the CU.

May I ask, is this something that all electricians can carry out & will they be able to check for any damage/issues that cannot be seen due to the cables being inaccessible as they are under floors, inside walls etc?

I cannot see how they would be visually able to check as there are places that will not even allow cameras to access - does that mean many exposed/damaged cables might just stay that way & pose a potential risk for the future?

Is this EICR test done a circuit by circuit basis enough & how much would it reasonably cost? Is there anything else that can also de done along side it to get a bigger/more accurate assessment of any further damage the rats might have caused?

Sadly, a couple of days ago, my very elderly & disabled mother got bit twice by rats whilst she was sleeping & I thought if they have no issue biting humans then they might and had a real go at the cables. They have already bitten through a large amount of concrete under a room to make a channel into the house & chewed on interior hard wood doors to make ports etc they can travel through.]

Apologies for my novice level & lack of knowledge about these sort of things,

Many Kind Thanks,

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The rcd's are the modules with the test buttons on, have you ever tested them and/or have they ever tripped by themselves for no apparent reason?


In the past, they have tripped on their own & one of the switches, usually the "lights""sockets" needed to be put back in the "on" position - this happens primarily on the "downstairs" circuit & occasionally on the "upstairs" one - not happened in a while though - probably for a couple/few months?


Thank you for your kind words - yes, we tried a few different brands of those devices & in our case, they pretty much did nothing!


Baz get your Mother a cat and the rats will be history,that is 100% the easiest solution,you cant get rid of rats or mice but you can make sure they keep away from your house with a cat.

In the past, they have tripped on their own & one of the switches, usually the "lights""sockets" needed to be put back in the "on" position - this happens primarily on the "downstairs" circuit & occasionally on the "upstairs" one - not happened in a while though - probably for a couple/few months?

Are you saying the mcb's have been tripping or the rcd? You have 3 rcd's and any one of them will cause more than one circuit to stop working until it is manually reset. The consumer unit at the bottom has only 1 rcd that covers all the mcb's on that board whilst the ones on the board above control 5 circuits each.
Hi Bazzzy, I admire your endeavors to assist your family,which should be standard,but is never always the case.

The information regarding your electrical installation,has been given,so i will just try to assist you further with the additional issues.

Your rodent population,since well before the Plague,is dependent on two things,food and cover. Either on there own will support rodents,for a time. Both,allow them to stay,and increase.

Your two branches,in the inspection chamber,should go to the waste outlets,and also a vent stack. All of these,bar the vent,will have trap seals,whether toilet bowls or bath/sink/washing machine etc. This means your rodents have to arrive through your toilet bends,which,although not unheard of,is unlikely.

Your vent stack should terminate outside the property,above highest opening window,so no joy there.

If there were any breaks in that pipework,you would certainly have detected that odour,before today.

You look like you have a sub-floor space,of whatever depth,under your downstairs floor,this may have other entry points and these need blocking.

Do NOT block any air bricks,these are not a problem,and will assist the clean-up period.

Unless your property contains a fair amount of readily accessible food,it will not support a colony. Are there any nearby alternative food sources? These could be poorly contained waste,someone with numerous pets,excessive bird feeding,chicken coup,fast-food outlet etc.

I have spent a lifetime on farm,traveler sites and similar,and on ALL of them,without exception,the second most intelligent animal,next to man,is the rat.
Do not underestimate them,i have observed first hand,there ingenuity,and it knocks the cleverest dogs',in to a cocked hat.

Approach the problem systematically,methodically and to the end.

Good luck,please ask if any other information could be helpful.:yes:


Thank you so much for the detailed advice - & you are right - I am astounded at how utterly clever & devious these critter rats are - it seems no matter where in the world - they always find a way to penetrate defences.

Unfortunately, when the drain folks put a camera down the drain pipes which branch off to our house, they found that the nearest one to the interceptor was badly broken & collapsed. Apparently, the rats travelled down this broken pipe, dug thee way through the remaining soil & then through the house wall as shown in the previous pics. From there, they went into the room which has concrete floor, turning right & eating through the concrete (about 1 metre length) until they reached the main house which is rested on wooden beams - see pics!

When the drain people came, we saw the critters coming from the main drains & going into/out of the ones that lead to our house - buggers did not go down the run that feeds into our neighbours house - only ours!

I cannot understand how there is a sub-floor space in the area they made that large hole - I was there when it was built & the buildings inspector came round to pass & inspect (he did so 4 times) & the solid foundations were built down to a depth of 1.2 metres & only then did he pass it. I am very confused about this - how can there be a cavity?

Behind the room broken into, there is a disabled bathroom which has a toilet - behind this a vent stack for the loo which has been boxed in but sadly, they made their way into that as well - they have even managed to get into the roof cavity of the conservatory between the ceiling plasterboard & exterior tiles - all the way at the back of the house!!

The area is pretty well maintained & no real food opportunities outside - many residents of our road have cats & they are roaming about pretty much all day & night & have been doing so for decades! I have never once seen a rat at surface level!

Unfortunately, with allergies & sensitivities that other members of the house have, I cannot have a cat or other animals in the house otherwise I would have done so long ago!!

I often wonder, why is an animal that is so very smart does not think, there must be a better way of living & eating than trawling through sewers & all that nasty waste to get a meal - their cousins the squirrels seem to manage it!

Will keep you updated!


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As said before, I think you need to seek advice on eradication of these vermin, from a professional body, not from members on this electricians forum. Seems you have a huge hill to climb, to sort out this problem. As stated by others, the electrics seem fine for the moment, and I would suggest defer repairing damage to cables until the rats have been eliminated and how they are entering the property sorted. You could just turn off each 'main switch', to isolate the electrical circuits in the house, as no one is living there. Google 'Pest Control Forum UK'. Good luck, horrible things rats.
I take it you are getting the drains replaced ASAP. Daz


The drains were another nightmare - between the Water company coming round & Homeserve - we had to have 6 different visits - each time they said they sorted the problem - but it still remained. They could not figure things out properly & even where which pipes lead to where - also, where the rainwater one lead & why it would not drain.

Finally they cemented that broken one up as through process of elimination they assumed it was a dead pipe but when the drain blocked up again & another engineer (the 6th one!) visited he felt that it was wrongly concreted in & that whole manhole & drain had to be broken down & replaced requiring the services of a sub contractor.

After about 4 hours of digging up more of the drive way, he finally found that the rainwater was draining away into the road sewers directly & that it was indeed a dead/unused pipe.

It was concreted in as far as the guy could get his hand in & that hole in the wall was to. This means that there is still a middle section of broken pipe between these two points there & I will have to get a builder to remove it & fill it with concrete so there is one continuous run of concrete from the drain all the way to the wall of the house if that makes sense? More importantly, is that the right thing to do?!!!

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As said before, I think you need to seek advice on eradication of these vermin, from a professional body, not from members on this electricians forum. Seems you have a huge hill to climb, to sort out this problem. As stated by others, the electrics seem fine for the moment, and I would suggest defer repairing damage to cables until the rats have been eliminated and how they are entering the property sorted. You could just turn off each 'main switch', to isolate the electrical circuits in the house, as no one is living there. Google 'Pest Control Forum UK'. Good luck, horrible things rats.


Yes, thank you, I have a second pest controller that I have employed to deal with the rodent situation & after the first one screwed us.

He identified the problem straightaway & also brings a gun!! I am hopeful that this time, he will be able to advise when the house is rodent free. He is using traps to lure them out as once they eat poison & got back under cabinets, floors etc - the stench is just unbearable.

I am able to block of the main drain exit at the front of the house by means of a one way valve to stop the critters coming in but the manhole in the garden has two much smaller exits - one from our house & the other from my neighbours that will not accept a rat deterring one way valve so I need to ask the pest guy how these can be made vermin proof so they do not then use these to gain entry.

The main drains are 4" but these seem to be about 2.5"-3" so probably rainwater exits into the manhole?

I will now defer any electrical test until given the OK that the rodents are no longer an issue & am heartened to know it is safe to do this.

Thank You,

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Yes, thank you, I have a second pest controller that I have employed to deal with the rodent situation & after the first one screwed us.

He identified the problem straightaway & also brings a gun!! I am hopeful that this time, he will be able to advise when the house is rodent free. He is using traps to lure them out as once they eat poison & got back under cabinets, floors etc - the stench is just unbearable.

I am able to block of the main drain exit at the front of the house by means of a one way valve to stop the critters coming in but the manhole in the garden has two much smaller exits - one from our house & the other from my neighbours that will not accept a rat deterring one way valve so I need to ask the pest guy how these can be made vermin proof so they do not then use these to gain entry.

The main drains are 4" but these seem to be about 2.5"-3" so probably rainwater exits into the manhole?

I will now defer any electrical test until given the OK that the rodents are no longer an issue & am heartened to know it is safe to do this.

Thank You,


I'm not sure anyone can definitely say it is safe to leave as-is. I think it would be best to switch the supply off - who knows what damage has been to done to insulation/conductors. Daz
I'm not sure anyone can definitely say it is safe to leave as-is. I think it would be best to switch the supply off - who knows what damage has been to done to insulation/conductors. Daz


I am still living here but have moved my mother out - one sister stays a few days - the other moved out faster than the Flash the moment she saw a rat & very thankfully, I have not seen her since!!

I am hoping that there might be a electrician member here who is well known & might be in/close to my area that can check things out for us, do that EICR test etc when the rodent issue has been sorted.

Thanks again,

We had a rat problem a couple of years ago, I called the council and they sorted it out. It took them about a month or two, they visited 4 times and only charged us 60 quid in total.

They used poison. I was concerned that we would end up with rotting rats in wall cavities, or something like that, but the council guy said that the poison makes them very thirsty so they go outside to find water and die outside. They've been gone for a long time now and I haven't seen or smelt any dead rats :)

You can find out if your council provides a pest control service if you want via this web site:

I thought that they were just in the loft, they used to make a hell of a noise at night above our bedroom, but since they've gone I've found evidence that they were also elsewhere in the house - glad I didn't realise that until after they'd gone.

Yes, thank you, I have a second pest controller that I have employed to deal with the rodent situation & after the first one screwed us.

He identified the problem straightaway & also brings a gun!! I am hopeful that this time, he will be able to advise when the house is rodent free. He is using traps to lure them out as once they eat poison & got back under cabinets, floors etc - the stench is just unbearable.

I am able to block of the main drain exit at the front of the house by means of a one way valve to stop the critters coming in but the manhole in the garden has two much smaller exits - one from our house & the other from my neighbours that will not accept a rat deterring one way valve so I need to ask the pest guy how these can be made vermin proof so they do not then use these to gain entry.

The main drains are 4" but these seem to be about 2.5"-3" so probably rainwater exits into the manhole?

I will now defer any electrical test until given the OK that the rodents are no longer an issue & am heartened to know it is safe to do this.

Thank You,


Hi Bazzzy, you need to SWITCH FORUMS, turn off the electrics, LEAVE THE HOUSE, consult with your local council and eliminate the rats, before considering anything else.

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