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average wage of a sparks in the current climate

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Hello everybody:) if you get told about good earnings in the past by anybody over the age of, say 45, then most of the time its true, they did make good money back in the 1970's, 80's and 90's , however the ones that are skint now are skint for a reason, many landed pretty girlfriends back in the day before their back went wonky, they were young and crazy and went out partying with pretty girls, and those pretty girls had expensive tastes, and a bank account they wanted filling, and they knew where to get the cash, as we all know, if youre flush and a pretty woman takes your fancy, you will probably splash the cash, pay their mortgage, buy them a nice second hand car etc, unless when youre not looking your Gaffer at work puts bromide in your tea, and you put all your money into a 10 year trust...
Then theres the fact that back in the 1980's and 1990's a lot of the sparkies and other construction workers went mental and travelled all over the world seeing the sites, drinking the drink and spending the cash, you know just taking 4 months off for the summer and heading to the airport.... and along came a wife and 3 to get out of the 17th floor asbestos ridden damp flat with junkies outside.....thats the next 20 years wages pratted....thats Kim and Craig got into Uni, dont want to be sparks like their dad...."no son/daughter of mine is getting into student loan debt, not after I have worked so hard all those years, I wont allow it"...ok so thats 3 and a half grand a year, even in Scotland, as in Scotland that just gets added to the student loan debt...just for the fees, and 5 grand a year for student halls for the first year until they get settled, then books and a laptop, say another 2 grand, they'll need a wee car, thats 4 grand, and another thousand pounds to insure it every year, maybe 6 grand just to buy food, 40 pounds a month for a mobile contract, and they will go over the minutes so you will get billed.....student posessions insurance, another 120 pounds a year, they will need a pile of new clothes to go away to Uni, another 1000 pounds, then they will need clothes and shoes throughout the year, and petrol money, another say, 80 pounds a week........they will get a part time job in a bar, but that will only pay 5.79 an hour minimum wage, granted there wont be any tax on their small wages as students only pay £2 a week National insurance stamp, so they keep the rest...but they will spend that all on drink or saving for a summer time Holiday with their Uni friends....
So the next time an older guy says "ah the good old days" he's just remembering when he was your age and things were much better, you dont need to say "Hey old timer"....."Hey Gringo....yeah you mr I used to be a bank manager"...."dees is rubbish yo talkin".....because he is probably only working to pay for his children, or even Grand children to go through Uinversity......
It's great when youre young like us, not a care in the world, have this woman, have that car, go to that place on Holiday.....oo oo have that woman there too, that one in the Bar in Spain.... and its not until we have a girlfriend for a little longer than the last one, all our buddies are married "for some strange reason" and then the girlfriend starts crying for no reason one day...."I ve got hoo haa hoo umm hoo...." (thinks to self oh crap) Iyaeeemhhh pregggnnaaaahhant"(face gone red, crying a waterfall) and thats you will be skint as well, unless you are really good at managing your work situation/workload....

motorbike-Gone, Family saloon 12k.
private let flat,which costs a thousand pounds a month-Gone, time for a house with a little garden, £1300 a month for the next 22 years, plus a £60,000 deposit and a £3000 bank admin charge, that you will need to see mum and dad for..
The girlfriend (wife now) she has to stop working to take care of the little one, so thats a wage down...

17 years pass by, been paying extra into mortgage so its in its last year of payments, and time for University...youre pleased as punch...thats a lot of money that you need to put out for the next 3 years but your boy is going to be a teacher....woo hoo...

Uni finished, boy all grown up and met a nice lady, working as a teacher, grandchildren on the way....youre sitting there in your chair at the bar rolling a cigarette, pint at side....happy old man,speaking to your old buddies who have all retired, youre still working 3 days a week as a sparky.... and Ayyyeay ayhyhaiaaiiiy (clutches chest) clatter, down goes the stool, on floor curled up flashes before you(remembers good old days and all friends and family) ukkkkuhhhh .......drools....dead

If you find out that youre going to be a dad, make sure you start a trust fund for the wee one straight away while they are still a barely noticable bump, so that they can go to uni when they are 18, the best thing to do is to start a trust fund that matures and pays out at their 18th birthday, start another small one beside that that will mature at 21, just to make sure and it will help with a flat/house deposit when they finish uni, as well as maybe a gap year...
Get yourself set up with some kind of savings plan(be very very careful and check everything out 3 times first) that you can cash in the summer before the kids go to uni, so that you can take them on a nice big holiday abroad as a reward for being good, and these trust funds/savings accounts taken out now will mean that you can eventually retire, and that you will be slightly minted by the time the kids are grown up, instead of working to the very end...

thats just my :)2c

Cheers for the 'reality-check' post Grant.

I like your attitude.

Err, im unemployed, lazy and skint (no wonder im single).
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I hope to god by the time My son reaches that age he will have learnt that you do not need to go to university to earn good money.

Also the whole university set up will have changed by then . I see more and more customers sending their kids to private school abroad, so so much cheaper and they feel the children are getting a better education. We are not in a situation where i can afford to start saving that sort of money . Once he is about 10 , i am going to get him to start to learn how to buy and sell etc. Like i use to do years ago ! 34 years ago i was making £50 a week during the school holidays buying and selling stuff (Not drugs !)

Imagine all the parents who have saved like mad etc to educate their kids in university etc and now they are working in starbucks !!
I went to a local Electrical Company in Leicester recently to ask about their jobs advertised in the local paper.
Luckily, I didnt take up their offer to employ me, as a plasterer friend had done some sub-contracting for them, and told me about the conditions.
24 hours allowed for a full rewire of a 3 bed house - if you take longer, you dont get paid any more, their time is 24hrs. If you leave any mess, £40 deducted. If there are any snags, then £40 deducted if you cannot get to it that day. And the best - £12/hour for sub contractors. They allow 12 hours for 2nd fix and testing.
It seems they have a high turnover of staff.
Personably I think you should name and shame this company. All potentional employees and customers should be vary of them.
slightly different game but,i average £800 a week,but i work on average 6 days a week and 70 hrs most unsocial,got no life,catch every bug/cold/flu going and constantly knackerd,if theres a job going for a grand a week for 37.5 hrs going please let me know..:confused:
I went to a local Electrical Company in Leicester recently to ask about their jobs advertised in the local paper.
Luckily, I didnt take up their offer to employ me, as a plasterer friend had done some sub-contracting for them, and told me about the conditions.
24 hours allowed for a full rewire of a 3 bed house - if you take longer, you dont get paid any more, their time is 24hrs. If you leave any mess, £40 deducted. If there are any snags, then £40 deducted if you cannot get to it that day. And the best - £12/hour for sub contractors. They allow 12 hours for 2nd fix and testing.
It seems they have a high turnover of staff.

Best no body works for them. Many seem to be heading for a hourly rate of less than £10.00 a hour .

If this carries on the country will turn and we will have major civil issues.

I honestly believe that if thousands of trades people went to the press and told them about how stupid the set up is and all these private organizations doing very little for the money paid etc . we need a massive change to the way things are done.

Whilst many hate the Eastern Europeans for coming over and "taking the work" i think they did many a favor . we started to get lazy many years ago as a nation. In the mid 80-mid 90's i noticed many seem to take work with a very lazy attitude, time off for golf and talking far too long to complete work. for this we lost a lot of respect from the public.

We need to show we can work hard but we need to be paid well for it.

This is why i admire suppliers etc who open early etc so they can supply guys and let them get on site by 8.30 etc

My local supplier opens at (am on a saturday, no wonder they do not seem to be doing well !) I want to be on the job by then getting stuck in and showing the customer the jobs been done .
i used to work with a guy like that paul. he said he was pulling a grand a week and yet when we went on re-wires on a weekend up in the north east he would turn out with only his irizolas and snips. he thought nothing of abusing our power tools though. mid 20`s no kids no tools a grand a week and always skint? he should have been writing books

I am totally sick to the back teeth of people turning up on my jobs and asking to borrow my tools to earn their money. My responses have become increasingly curt. My blood starts to burn when someone sidles up to me and starts a conversation with the dreaded words..'excuse me mate, can i borrow your....' Don't even ASK. I'm gonna get some t-shirts and hoodies made up with this on if it continues. N.O. spells NO. Jog on.
Best no body works for them. Many seem to be heading for a hourly rate of less than £10.00 a hour .

I honestly believe that if thousands of trades people went to the press and told them about how stupid the set up is .... .

I asked about the 2nd fix in 12 hours -"that'd be connecting all the faceplates/sockets/pendants etc then?" Reply - "No, the new wires are in, you connect the CU and all ancillaries/sockets etc, then do the testing. Easily done in that time".
I told him it'd take me 3 hours to test properly, and he says his blokes do it in a hour. I said they must be cutting corners, but he insisted it was all done correctly. I cannot see how, but then maybe it is me that is just slow?
Best no body works for them. Many seem to be heading for a hourly rate of less than £10.00 a hour .

If this carries on the country will turn and we will have major civil issues.

It will £10 an hour and a 8 hour day = £80 mark my words.

You won't get civil issues to many people got into to much debt when there was plenty of money sloshing a round in the system, they never thought it was going to end.

People don't understand this is all engineered to transfer the wealth from the poorer people back to the rich.

Money don't just disappear out of the system the rich take it out, then the banks print more to get more back in the economy to get more people in debt for the same thing to happen again and again.

Been going on for donkeys years and people still believe its just happens for no reason.
It will £10 an hour and a 8 hour day = £80 mark my words.

You won't get civil issues to many people got into to much debt when there was plenty of money sloshing a round in the system, they never thought it was going to end.

People don't understand this is all engineered to transfer the wealth from the poorer people back to the rich.

Money don't just disappear out of the system the rich take it out, then the banks print more to get more back in the economy to get more people in debt for the same thing to happen again and again.

Been going on for donkeys years and people still believe its just happens for no reason.

I've said this very thing Tony, not more than a week ago mate.

You know the biggest problem, people can not think for themselves, that's where the word sheeple comes from lol
The thing is mate, we were all a bit complacent back in the golden days of 2006/7. We should of seen what was coming with these toy town courses and domestic installer courses. However, no-one was interested in sounding the alarm, or even that it needed raising. Even the Unions were pre-occupied with the Iraq war and trying to oust Blair. So in a way, we have only ourselves to blame.
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The company I work for has half a dozen sparks on, we all do domestic, from extensions and re-wires through to site work for persimmons (currently have 5 on the go) and we are all on under 11 quid/hr, use own vehicle, own tools and drills, have 17th Ed, 2377, and waiting on results for 2391, based about 15miles North of Newcastle Upon Tyne, is this the going rate, because it seems LOW!!

Any response welcome.
From what I'm reading here it's the agencies making the money, not the tradesmen. Traditionally tradesmen have not been business men or entrepreneurs; just working your trade was always enough to make a decent living. I think that's changed, you now need to be a business man as well as a qualified electrician.
well, its like this, accountants (who are on the board of directors at most companies now) have a term that they use for trade skills, they call them "intangable Assets" which means that they are something of value that is otherwise not apparent in the same way that, say,having a pile of cash or a load of prime land would be easily recognised.... kind of like when you need a doctor on Holiday, then it turns out that a UK doctor that speaks English is on Holiday as well and he's next door to you....thats an intangable asset, you sat next to him at the bar for a week and just thought he was a salesman or a cleaner or something as he never let on.....
When an Agency sells your services, the more tickets and trade training/experience you have, the more they can charge the company, they will charge the company more and pay you a rubbish rate, did you know that if a jobs advertised at 12.50 an hour and you go for it, the First Aid certificate you gave to the Agency now makes you the designated first aider on site, which by LAW means you are supposed to get 1.50 extra per hour, and that your 2377 or 2391 usually merits an extra 2.00 per hour as an on site tester? the agency will give the company a load of patter about how you want more because you do testing and have First Aid Qualifications, oh and you have your cherry picker and IPAF, thats more too.......and they wont even crack a light in your direction, there you are working away and they are getting paid a supplimentry amount every hour for your "added value" skills, your intangable assets.....why do you think that they want all of your tickets in colour copy? it ups the Agency profits and makes you more "buyable" as a worker, like getting into the supermarket and seeing a buy one get one free sign, only its you on the time you are told you need a first aid ticket to get on site, or a banksman certificate, ask the agency where your extra pennies are...
The company I work for has half a dozen sparks on, we all do domestic, from extensions and re-wires through to site work for persimmons (currently have 5 on the go) and we are all on under 11 quid/hr, use own vehicle, own tools and drills, have 17th Ed, 2377, and waiting on results for 2391, based about 15miles North of Newcastle Upon Tyne, is this the going rate, because it seems LOW!!

Any response welcome.

far less than any house keeper i know working for my clients . Its a joke. I could not work like that , i would be ashamed . sorry, but its pathetic.
A typical filipina housekeeper working for a High end family will take home no less than £500 a week. Some live in some out. They eat for free and get perks like enough free food to feed a family of 4 ! I kid you not they do really well. some also get the clothes of the families that cost a fortune . They sell them on etc . we are talking ££££ stuff. None of them work for less than that. They stick together and set the prices. Tomorrow i will go to a house and the romanian housekeeper there is self employed and still earns £420 a week . she also never has to think about buying food. They bought her a nice car and pay petrol and insurance etc

I know this is london etc..... but a qualified person providing his own equipment and running costs etc working for less than £18.00 a hour on the books full time is mad.

Its a sad situation
far less than any house keeper i know working for my clients . Its a joke. I could not work like that , i would be ashamed . sorry, but its pathetic.

Theres nothing else that pays any better up here, not without a HNC/HND.

Thinking about becoming a labourer, they're getting about the same with none of the stress...

Did you type that all out or copy and paste it from somewhere ? !!! No wonder so many men are going gay !!

I have a few clients that are big Names in the City . These people really know their --- from their elbow. I was doing a Sat morning Job for one and he said "lets get a coffee " so we dived out to some rather pretentious Coffee place. He started to ask me about my finances . Now i like this guy and trust him. SO i knew i was getting the benefit of his knowledge . His advice was "Stuff" the saving idea for kids etc it will never work. I am 48 and my son is 15 months ! He thinks most people have no idea of private pensions and how little they will produce in "real terms" . Unless i save £600 min a month i might as well forget it.
This Next dip we are heading for is REAL. So real it will scare the death out of many of us.

I plan to leave the Uk when i retire as i know by that time the streets will be full of homeless pensioners.

I have never trusted banks nor private pension plans. I expect many of these Pension pots to be Robbed .

AS for buying a house !! No way, the rent i pay is fine and i have 0% risk. Most i know are only paying interest only so same as me RENTING ! difference is their house have dropped in value .

Its a mess.. I really feel for pensioners now. The school kids have little hope as the whole education system is set to just achieve exam results rather than a proper education etc . Everyone is over qualified etc !

And i feel "EUROPE" is about to lay down some serious new rules about trades that will cause havoc .

Bloody hell...... I am sounding sad !

Sad...... but totally true. I heard the same thing said a while ago about pensions - the worst investment you can make. Buying a house - not yours until the last mortgage payment is made, and can be snatched back by them greedy banks at any time before. I rent, and if made redundant, get the rent paid by government. I work in an Independent school, maintenance and part time teaching. It's totally geared towards results. All the parents are interested in is getting their delinquent, spoilt little b'stards into uni with three A's. That's what they pay us stupid amounts to do. T Bliars idea to get 50% degree qualified only serves to water down the qualification, and it becomes almost worthless. Unless teaching becomes more vocational in school and college, this country will have a lot of ideas, but no-one to build them. And the banks debt will never get paid off!

If you are young and have little ties to this country.....RUN! RUN AWAY TO A BETTER LAND.

Thanks to 40 years of bad government, this country is in a bad way, and will need low wages, high tax and hard work to put it's self right again. Best of luck.
Well I'm working for £14.50 an hour and have a van, all the tools, tester, insurance, basically everything, what do you suggest I say b@ll@cks and sit at home?

I told you its a race to bottom on money, it won't affect everybody, so good luck to you and all those who carry on doing well, but I never knock anybody for working for a living.
The company I work for has half a dozen sparks on, we all do domestic, from extensions and re-wires through to site work for persimmons (currently have 5 on the go) and we are all on under 11 quid/hr, use own vehicle, own tools and drills, have 17th Ed, 2377, and waiting on results for 2391, based about 15miles North of Newcastle Upon Tyne, is this the going rate, because it seems LOW!!

Any response welcome.

Ive done some sub contracting for South Tyneside council and rate was £13 ph standard for all the sparks, we were re wiring all the council houses in the area. not far of JIB rates i think hope this helps mate.
Well I'm working for £14.50 an hour and have a van, all the tools, tester, insurance, basically everything, what do you suggest I say b@ll@cks and sit at home?

I told you its a race to bottom on money, it won't affect everybody, so good luck to you and all those who carry on doing well, but I never knock anybody for working for a living.

I agree to a point , BUT they are only digging a bigger hole for everyone. Imagine the public reading this and thinking, Ok we shall only pay these rates for private domestic work etc !

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