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Advice please, moving to the UK.

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Hey guys.

I am am a self employed electrician from the island of Guernsey, small island in between England and France. I have been going for my self since October last year and charge £24 an hour. The normal going rate over here for an electrician is anything between £25-£40 an hour and working for someone the average wage an hour is about £16 an hour.

In the next month or so I am looking at moving over to the uk to an area south east of England, West Sussex.
I am just curious what is the average going rate for a self employed sparky and what is the average rate working for someone. I haven't looked into anything yet, it's been a kind of last minute decision to move.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated, I will be looking at working for someone when I get there and look into going self employed again.

I am recently qualified 2 years ago and hold all recent qualifications.

Many thanks.
Lots of non EU companies operate here because of the advantages it gives them in trade with the EU. That's where the first jobs will go. Then you have those in the supply chain to those foreign companies, after that will be the jobs which depend on the spending power of those primary and secondary jobs that will be lost.
The EU members will be falling over themselves to tempt those foreign companies to ditch their UK bases and regain the advantageous trade status with the remaining members
Sorry Trev, I don't agree.
I trust Farage more than Camoron.
I don't trust either of them. You may not agree but many of these foreign companies have already said they'll up sticks if we pull out. Is it worth it? I wouldn't like to call their bluff because their only loyalty is to their shareholders via their bottom line.
Yes, of course. Vote for the main peddler of scapegoats. A single issue party who's only answer to every problem is to blame the EU.
Sorry mate, it's a bit more complicated than that. Leaving the EU will cost this country 4 million jobs, trading with the EU will mean that we still have to comply with the legislation passed by them so what benefit will we get from leaving it?

That's an easy question to answer...we change back to red, yellow, blue and black :smilewinkgrin:
But every one is bemoaning about no work how can you compete with people who pay there workers"£25 a day "who "if we need lots of materials I will get one of my people to drive here with the materials,it will be cheaper"
When they refurbish houses they do all the work has and electric and the owner asks you to test it
So all I get is testing jobs
Who have inundated the building sites in my area but as you say can't get a job card
Also another British person asked a pole how could he afford to pay insurance on his newish merc
Ha my insurance is £50 a year fully comp
Oh I will have some of that replied my co worker
No it's for poles only
I will phone Poland and get insured
No only poles
And this pole could get anything we wanted
Red diesel tools materials all cheaper than I can get it
I would say no-one has died because of the new Colours, why would they?an Electrician would know about the changes, anyone who worked with the old colours would be experienced within the industry, and they have been replced for a near decade now so the understanding regarding harmonisation is bound to be throughout the industry now, going back to post 121=I would rather trust dingledong to act normal than farage, farage is a slimy right wing racist ----er, there I have said it.
Farage might be a lot of things and one of them is definately popular. He is talking the talk people want to hear and is voicing what many people here are worried about. I remember we joined a "Common Market" which was based just on that free trade, access to European markets etc. That has now morphed into the "United States of Europe" and all the evils that entail. Free movement of labour is just one part of it which though maybe concerning for me not as concerning as our courts are now daily overturned by the European ones. Policies are made in Europe with mainly an agenda that befits Germany and countries like France if they don't like tge policies ignore them. Perhaps I'm a throw back but I want our Parliment to run our country
People banging on about benefit tourism usually don't realise that there are EU countries which have far more generous rates of out of work benefits and far more serious problems with it than we do.

Not sure about the rest of Europe Trev, but in the Republic of Ireland the Dole/Job Seekers Allowance alone - is €200 (approx £155) per week, per individual.
I would say no-one has died because of the new Colours, why would they?an Electrician would know about the changes, anyone who worked with the old colours would be experienced within the industry, and they have been replced for a near decade now so the understanding regarding harmonisation is bound to be throughout the industry now, going back to post 121=I would rather trust dingledong to act normal than farage, farage is a slimy right wing racist ----er, there I have said it.

I always thought he was a lefty well left of me that is
Also another British person asked a pole how could he afford to pay insurance on his newish merc
Ha my insurance is £50 a year fully comp
Oh I will have some of that replied my co worker
No it's for poles only
I will phone Poland and get insured
No only poles
And this pole could get anything we wanted
Red diesel tools materials all cheaper than I can get it
Were you there when this conversation went on? Because to me it sounds like yet another urban myth mate.
You know, like the one that surfaces regularly about "My mate knows a bloke who lives next door to an asylum seeker. His brother lives x number of miles away and the government gave him a car and free fuel and insurance so he could go and visit"
If you heard it I'd suggest that this Polish bloke was taking the mick, all I'm picking up is classic victim mentality "they've got it so much easier than we have" "they get everything handed to them on a silver plate" etc etc
Like Eoin said in #129, dole/jsa is 200euros a week in the Republic of Ireland, which idiot is going to come here for £70?
Controlled immigration is a good thing ,an open door policy with generous benefits is not. I do not know what exactly the draw to this country is but it must be a strong one for hundreds if not thousands to risk their life clinging to the underside of a lorry to try and get here when they have travelled through so many civilised European Countries. I suspect they are under the impression the streets are paved with gold, but the illegal entrants to this country end up feeding the black market being abused by unscrupulous bosses on low pay for cash and a shed for living accommodation.
It needs to be controlled for their sake and ours.
I wasn't exactly sure so I googled it. Looks like it's nearer to France than the UK....and the post boxes are blue....

If I remember correctly it's in the Bay of St Malo

Try moving to Jersey, my sister in law has just bought a new house for £2m there in St Martins, I think people must have money to spend, probably £100 per hour there.

Built an island wide radio WAN on Jersey back in 2001 and had so many offers of other work out there took a few jobs on that fitted in with what we were doing but could have had a lot more. Don't know what it's like now but back then they had a massive skills shortage

i'm not's pi$$.

It's not that good IMO

And to make your day have you looked at housing costs??

40 years of not building enough homes coupled with the levels of immigration since 2001 have made housing unaffordable for many people.

A lot of the infrastructure is not good enough to support a massive increase in house building then again where do we put all these new houses

Utter nonsense. There has been precious little social housing built in this country since the late 60s/early 70s. This has fueled 2 crises, 1 There is not enough social housing and 2 private landlords charging extortionate rents because demand outstrips supply.

70% of places do not go to immigrants, this is a myth spread by the likes of the BNP and EDL/ My daughter was renting privately and the landlord decided he wanted his flat back. Within 2 weeks she had a council place.

All to easy to dismiss some of the immigration truths as myth just because you don't agree with the politics of the organisation highlighting them. Have heard first hand stories from coach drivers who have distributed immigrants all around the UK from Dover where they had not long landed complete with handouts, UK documents etc. Only today they are mentioning the sham marriage scandal that allows these ethnics to stay in this country yet my nephew can't bring his American wife to the UK unless he can earn more than £24k a year

Being part of an ethnic minority does not automatically mean you're an immigrant.
People used to spout all that nonsense in the 50s and 60s about what is now called the Windrush generation, people (mainly black) coming here from Jamaica to do the jobs that no white person wanted to do. No doubt people in other countries used to moan about us going there and taking their countries away from them, we did it an awful lot.
Yes, I'll give you the the areas you mention are predominantly a certain race/religion but how many of them are immigrants and how many can trace their family tree back a good way. The first recorded Muslim in this country was in the 17th century, it's nothing new however the claim that they have to go to the front of the housing queue is preposterous. Social housing is allocated on the basis of need first, perhaps you'd prefer homeless families on the streets with young children.

Back in the 50's and possibly into the 60's (bit to young to know) the UK was still rebuilding after the war and I don't think unemployment and social security was the option it is now. The flood gates have in recent years opened and the UK has become known as the "land of free money". A few years ago Labour fed us some cock and bull story that we needed all these migrants to address some skills shortage they perceived we had a quick look round our trade alone shows that the only effect it has had is to cause a massive drop in wage rates and standards.

There has to be a limit on how many migrants along with the indigenous population the UK can support before we run out of basic commodities like fresh water
Look, I'm not saying that no one comes here for a free ride because we all know that some do BUT we have a lot of our own population, born and bred here, that will neither work nor want. Politicians like Farage are giving people scapegoats and telling them that the problems of the country are all down to those nasty immigrants freeloading and stealing our women and raping our jobs (or something like that)
All I'm saying is wake up and smell the coffee, the problems caused by immigration are miniscule when you consider the profligate way our elected representatives have allowed big business to ride roughshod over us all. It was unregulated banking that caused the financial crisis, not Abdul hiding in a lorry and working in a takeaway for less than minimum wage.
It's business that's forcing down wages and using people on the dole to fill jobs for free that they should be paying people to do. It's MPs that are making US pay to heat their bloody stables and pay for their £39 breakfasts, £10 burgers, fresh underwear when they should have had the sense to pack a pair and more champagne than you'd need to float an aircraft carrier. It's politicians who have taken us into illegal conflicts which have cost us billions of pounds and hundreds of lives of our armed forces (not to mention hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths)
Don't blame the people they want you to blame, look behind their rhetoric and ask why.
There is no doubt we have a high influx of people coming to the Uk from other EU countries, but to suggest nearly every social housing estate is taken by immigrants and British citizens are treated second regarding access to social housing is total rollocks. Every case is treated as individual.

Regarding the Tories and propaganda, no more needed to be added lol.

And no other party produces this propaganda you talk of

Utter rubbish.

There are more people, living longer and the average number per dwelling has dropped - so wake up and smell the coffee.

We have become a much more mobile society and people moving for work are likely to be living on their own and although some people are living longer others aren't my dad died 5 year ago and my mother is still going strong and has no desire to move so lives on her own in her own house that is her choice

These are facts also I know many people who work for the council in both borough's and the stories they tell are amazing / disgusting and I have woken up and smelt the coffee unfortunately

I know people who work in dole offices and job centres the stories are much the same some are led by the propaganda that denies it is real an happening

So if it wasn't for immigration everything would be fine and dandy? Is that what you're saying?

If it wasn't for the EU how many Europeans would bother to flock here we have become an easy target the thing is how many do we really need.
Working on Jersey back in 2001 we had to laugh when a Maderian government minister visited Jersey to try and persuade some of the native Maderian's working there for the summer to go home as they didn't have enough people to support their tourism trade in Maderia

I'm sure I'm echoing someone higher up in the thread, it's been going on for 100s of years.
It would be a bland country without, plus, I would never have discovered the wonder that is a Vindaloo! :)

The British Raj invented curry to make rancid meat more palatable

" …………..that doesn't mean British taxpayers are the losers from migration. Quite the opposite. All the evidence suggests that migrants – especially migrants from the new EU member states – are net contributors to the public purse, not a drain. A Study from the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration found that the latter paid in via taxes about 30% more than they cost our public services. In particular, they were far less likely to claim benefits and tax credits, and far less likely to live in social housing.

Focusing more specifically on the benefit system, the contrast becomes even starker. Raab claims that there are more than half a million "unemployed" EU citizens in the UK (compared with the national total of about 2.5 million). This is wrong: there are half a million EU citizens who are not in work, but some are retired, and some out of the labour market for other reasons. By Raab's definition, there would be more than 15 million unemployed Britons! In fact, employment rates for EU citizens – especially those from the new member states – are considerably higher than for the UK-born.

And even those who aren't working are considerably less likely than those born in the UK to claim benefits. According to figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), of the roughly 1.8 million people from elsewhere in the EU of working age, about 90,000 are claiming an "out of work benefit", or about 5%. That compares with about 13% for natives. Equally, migrants from outside the EU are much less likely to claim benefits than natives. And as for Bulgarians and Romanians, although there are already at least 140,000 in the UK, neither shows up in the top 20 countries of origin for foreign benefit claimants, suggesting the numbers to date are minimal."

Source: CReAM: Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration

Strange how a lot of the terms of reference are never published for these studies and how many stats and how much information is lost in other figures to distort the truth

A statement like "and far less likely to live in social housing" when it's availability has been on the decline for years show how shallow some of these studies are
A great prime minister IMO

I believe he was acclaimed as the best Tory prime minister we never had

In France there are no translations, no translators, they do not want incomers and make them feel unwanted!

You forgot they banned the Burka as well

People banging on about benefit tourism usually don't realise that there are EU countries which have far more generous rates of out of work benefits and far more serious problems with it than we do.

Could you name a few and how long you have to be resident to make a claim

No, let's get the problem into it's proper perspective and not fall for lies told to us by so called politicians who's only answer is to look for a convenient scapegoat.
If I fail it isn't because of Yarrick and Piotr coming here from Poland. It isn't because of Vlad from Romania.
It's because I didn't try hard enough.

You are one of the many that "wouldn't work for that rate" in reply to some of the jobs posted on here so if it isn't the migrants pushing the rates down because of surplus and cheap labour who is it and don't use that old chestnut of the employers are doing it

Yes, of course. Vote for the main peddler of scapegoats. A single issue party who's only answer to every problem is to blame the EU.
Sorry mate, it's a bit more complicated than that. Leaving the EU will cost this country 4 million jobs, trading with the EU will mean that we still have to comply with the legislation passed by them so what benefit will we get from leaving it?

It's a bit like the arguments / debates closer to home as September comes nearer and the Scottish referendum looms the only difference is neither country will be bankrupt overnight unlike the EU. I'm fairly sure that a £385 million ish weekly black hole in the EU accounts will cause a reasonably instant problem within the rest of the EU, be interest to see how the Euro fares on the currency markets if it happens

It pees me off just as much mate but cutting off our nose to spite our face isn't the answer. Maybe Kent has it worse because it's closer to Sangatte but even with leaving the EU we'll still have people trying and succeeding in their attempts to get here.

But we won't be strangled by EU law and the stupidity of the EU court of human rights and we can send them back
I believe he was acclaimed as the best Tory prime minister we never had

You forgot they banned the Burka as well

Could you name a few and how long you have to be resident to make a claim
Republic of Ireland, 200 euros pw, no idea how long you have to be resident there to claim. Maybe Eoin can help out there.

You are one of the many that "wouldn't work for that rate" in reply to some of the jobs posted on here so if it isn't the migrants pushing the rates down because of surplus and cheap labour who is it and don't use that old chestnut of the employers are doing it
Yes I am one of those who would not work for that rate. Wages have been under downward pressure because of the financial crisis. It is employers who are primarily responsible for this because they can get cheap/free labour

But we won't be strangled by EU law and the stupidity of the EU court of human rights and we can send them back
The stupidity of the EU court of human rights which was successfully campaigned for by none other than Winston Spencer Churchill and protects all of us from government excesses. Yes it's sometimes abused but then again, it's not the only legal process which is abused/misused.
See my other responses in italics.
I believe he was acclaimed as the best Tory prime minister we never had

You forgot they banned the Burka as well

Could you name a few and how long you have to be resident to make a claim

You are one of the many that "wouldn't work for that rate" in reply to some of the jobs posted on here so if it isn't the migrants pushing the rates down because of surplus and cheap labour who is it and don't use that old chestnut of the employers are doing it

It's a bit like the arguments / debates closer to home as September comes nearer and the Scottish referendum looms the only difference is neither country will be bankrupt overnight unlike the EU. I'm fairly sure that a £385 million ish weekly black hole in the EU accounts will cause a reasonably instant problem within the rest of the EU, be interest to see how the Euro fares on the currency markets if it happens

But we won't be strangled by EU law and the stupidity of the EU court of human rights and we can send them back

Yes probably true lol
What are we going to do with an extra 4 million people on the dole though?

How can you be certain of this on what EU supporting propaganda is this based

Lots of non EU companies operate here because of the advantages it gives them in trade with the EU. That's where the first jobs will go. Then you have those in the supply chain to those foreign companies, after that will be the jobs which depend on the spending power of those primary and secondary jobs that will be lost.
The EU members will be falling over themselves to tempt those foreign companies to ditch their UK bases and regain the advantageous trade status with the remaining members

It would take many years for it to happen and cost those companies a fortune to relocate and train staff it would probably need funding of some sort from a bankrupt EU or a non existent EU

I don't trust either of them. You may not agree but many of these foreign companies have already said they'll up sticks if we pull out. Is it worth it? I wouldn't like to call their bluff because their only loyalty is to their shareholders via their bottom line.

A lot of companies are of the belief the EU will still exist there are countries who are not in the EU who trade into the EU so why can't the UK

Also another British person asked a pole how could he afford to pay insurance on his newish merc
Ha my insurance is £50 a year fully comp
Oh I will have some of that replied my co worker
No it's for poles only
I will phone Poland and get insured
No only poles
And this pole could get anything we wanted
Red diesel tools materials all cheaper than I can get it

A mate's wife came across a Polish shop that had a notice saying no English on the door discrimination at it's best

How many people have died because of the new colours (supposed to make it easier to help other nations work here )

Isn't that why we RCD everything these days:grin:
How can you be certain of this on what EU supporting propaganda is this based

Not based on EU propaganda at all mate, Nissan and many others have said they're gone if we pull out. Some 15,000 people work there. There is a 1:4 ratio in their supply chain so there's 60,000 jobs gone in the companies that supply them. Using the same ratio gives us 240,000 tertiary jobs dependent on the spending power of those.
315,000 jobs in the North East alone.

It would take many years for it to happen and cost those companies a fortune to relocate and train staff it would probably need funding of some sort from a bankrupt EU or a non existent EU

It would also take 2 years for us to withdraw from the EU, plenty of time for those companies to negotiate with other countries. These companies have vast cash reserves so I don't think relocation would be that much of a problem. Also remember, they came here because of funding from a near bankrupt UK at the time. We found the cash, so would Germany or France if it was going to substantially benefit their employment figures

A lot of companies are of the belief the EU will still exist there are countries who are not in the EU who trade into the EU so why can't the UK
Yes there are countries who trade with the EU without membership of it however they are forced to comply with existing and future EU legislation regarding the goods they ship there so the cost to business is still high

A mate's wife came across a Polish shop that had a notice saying no English on the door discrimination at it's best
More a matter for the police I'd say, if your mate's wife thinks a crime is being committed then she should report it. Things like this happen because they are allowed to (although I have heard exactly the same story in the North East. It was supposedly a shop in the west end of Newcastle so perhaps it's another urban myth. Maybe there's a photo of the shop and the sign somewhere. I'll take a look on the net for it)

Isn't that why we RCD everything these days:grin:
My replies in bold.
Farage might be a lot of things and one of them is definately popular. He is talking the talk people want to hear and is voicing what many people here are worried about. I remember we joined a "Common Market" which was based just on that free trade, access to European markets etc. That has now morphed into the "United States of Europe" and all the evils that entail. Free movement of labour is just one part of it which though maybe concerning for me not as concerning as our courts are now daily overturned by the European ones. Policies are made in Europe with mainly an agenda that befits Germany and countries like France if they don't like tge policies ignore them. Perhaps I'm a throw back but I want our Parliment to run our country

They didn't tell us the free trade was taking in part of their population

Were you there when this conversation went on? Because to me it sounds like yet another urban myth mate.
You know, like the one that surfaces regularly about "My mate knows a bloke who lives next door to an asylum seeker. His brother lives x number of miles away and the government gave him a car and free fuel and insurance so he could go and visit"
If you heard it I'd suggest that this Polish bloke was taking the mick, all I'm picking up is classic victim mentality "they've got it so much easier than we have" "they get everything handed to them on a silver plate" etc etc
Like Eoin said in #129, dole/jsa is 200euros a week in the Republic of Ireland, which idiot is going to come here for £70?

Trev you have a very NIMBY attitude and dismiss a lot of what is happening as urban myth to use a phrase you used in this thread "WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE" it's real and it is happening

Look, I'm not saying that no one comes here for a free ride because we all know that some do BUT we have a lot of our own population, born and bred here, that will neither work nor want. Politicians like Farage are giving people scapegoats and telling them that the problems of the country are all down to those nasty immigrants freeloading and stealing our women and raping our jobs (or something like that)
All I'm saying is wake up and smell the coffee, the problems caused by immigration are miniscule when you consider the profligate way our elected representatives have allowed big business to ride roughshod over us all. It was unregulated banking that caused the financial crisis, not Abdul hiding in a lorry and working in a takeaway for less than minimum wage.

Labour rode the wave of the boom and turned a blind eye to the massive growth in the financial sector, this was coupled with a perceived skills shortage to continue to fuel the boom and building projects were staffed with cheap imported labour that lived "local" to the site and therefore met the requirements on some projects that wanted a high %age of local labour employed. Why should anybody pay more than they have to during the 80's there was big bucks to be had because of the lack of trades and people had to pay the going rate to get the job done it's swung the other way now because of a party that supposedly supports the working man, Milliband, Balls etc in their sharp suits who don't know what a proper days work is are no better than any other parties politicians

It's business that's forcing down wages and using people on the dole to fill jobs for free that they should be paying people to do. It's MPs that are making US pay to heat their bloody stables and pay for their £39 breakfasts, £10 burgers, fresh underwear when they should have had the sense to pack a pair and more champagne than you'd need to float an aircraft carrier. It's politicians who have taken us into illegal conflicts which have cost us billions of pounds and hundreds of lives of our armed forces (not to mention hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths)
Don't blame the people they want you to blame, look behind their rhetoric and ask why.

Suppose it depends on which mushroom farm you are on what views you take

Of course, the ---- party did, and they did it equally as well as the Tory party.

And any other political party you care to mention
A federal europe was always the big picture, Heath either did not know this or he didn't tell the UK population. Either way he was wrong.

To say I have a nimby attitude is laughable, I've acknowledged that some problems are caused by immigration but all I'm pointing out is that some people here are prepared to accept the lie sold to us by so called politicians that if we withdraw from Europe everything will be fine and dandy because it won't. Throughout history, when times get tough, politicians have looked for a scapegoat. Farage, Griffin and most of the others are no different, it's only the scapegoats who change.
We've all heard these urban myths and it's always "My mate knows someone who..." or "one of my neighbours cousins....." or "someone was telling me he read about..." There's never any direct experience, I've never come across anyone who has witnessed one of these conversations themselves and I'm sure you haven't either.
It was the tories who deregulated the banking sector. Milliband and his mates are just tory lite as far as I'm concerned.
The bit about the mushroom farm I'm not going to lower myself to respond to other than to say it isn't me who is swallowing the BS fed to them by politicians who only serve their own narrow interests.
Could you name a few and how long you have to be resident to make a claim
Republic of Ireland, 200 euros pw, no idea how long you have to be resident there to claim. Maybe Eoin can help out there.

So that will be one although is that all that can be claimed while out of work in Ireland

Yes I am one of those who would not work for that rate. Wages have been under downward pressure because of the financial crisis. It is employers who are primarily responsible for this because they can get cheap/free labour

Wage rates were under pressure before the financial crisis hit as we were being swamped by migrants to fill the Labour government's perceived labour shortage

The stupidity of the EU court of human rights which was successfully campaigned for by none other than Winston Spencer Churchill and protects all of us from government excesses. Yes it's sometimes abused but then again, it's not the only legal process which is abused/misused.
See my other responses in italics.

But only fully signed up to by none other than Tony Blair
In or out of the EU hmmm. Well living in Scotland all I will say on the matter is I really wish this in/out referendum was held before the Scotland in/out UK referendum as the result of the EU referendum would greatly influence my thinking on the Scottish one. Scotland may be seen as "mad" on thinking about leaving the UK......but even they/we know that the future lies within the EU not on the outside looking in.
Actually I hope 1 Scotland leaves the UK and 2. RUK leaves the EU....then WE can have the UK's relinquished membership and maybe we could persuade nissan ect to just hope over the hadrians wall and set up here with us.....Be some work in rebuilding that wall too as you lot wouldn't be entitled to the "freedom" of movement that Farage and his chums so hate.

Reply to Advice please, moving to the UK. in the UK Electrical Forum area at


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